
With the arrival of iOS 14 many users find numerous new features on their smartphones. The latest update to the operating system created by the house of Cupertino is also full-bodied and improves the previous version in a visible way, but within the novelty package there is also a more discreet but definitely useful one: a orange or green dot which appears from time to time at the top of the screen, on the right, just above the cell reception indicator.
The unpublished elements are none other than recording indicatorsDiscreet, notifications with a very important role: to alert users that one of the applications running on the phone is using the microphone or camera. Specifically, when the orange dot appears on the screen it means that an application is accessing the microphone, while when the green dot appears it means that one of the device’s cameras is active.
The applications that use the phone’s microphone or camera are numerous, and most do so for entirely legitimate purposes: a voice assistant or dictation system needs the microphone to receive commands and words; Similarly, an augmented reality app must be able to film its surroundings for it to work. With the novelty introduced in iOS 14, Apple wants to make sure that users can tell when illegitimate or meddlesome software tries to access the microphone and camera when it shouldn’t.
These types of permissions are granted by iOS only after a request to the user, but if an application behaves suspiciously when activating the camera and microphone at the most disparate moments, it can still be revoked at any time by visiting the phone settings at the section related to privacy. To know which application is using these elements when the green or orange dot appears on the screen, it is enough open the control center telephone.
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