The Napoli coach suffers from a chronic autoimmune syndrome that weakens the muscles of the eyes and eyelids. There are no cures, but therapies to reduce symptoms.
In the field with an eye patch, then to the Sky microphones after Napoli-Turin, Rino Gattuso showed and explained his problem: “I suffer from an autoimmune disease, myasthenia. I have been dying for a month, But do not worry I’m not dying. Seeing double is a great difficulty and I haven’t been me for a month. ” Then the appeal, also applauded by Minister Spadafora, to the youngest, inviting them to “not hide.”
Ocular myasthenia
But what exactly does Gattuso suffer from? Ocular myasthenia is a form of myasthenia gravis in which the muscles of the eyes and eyelids become weak. Chronic autoimmune disease arises because some autoantibodies inhibit the nervous mechanism that allows the contraction of the muscles belonging to the ocular compartment. In practice, the nerve signals necessary to contract the muscles of the eye compartment are not transmitted properly.
Symptoms and Treatments
There are two typical symptoms: diplopia (or double vision) and ptosis (or drooping eyelid), both of which Gattuso reported. The problem can appear at any age, but it appears most often in women under 40 and men over 60. There is no definitive cure for this disease, but proper treatment helps reduce symptoms. Myasthenia can be transmitted genetically, but there are currently no preventive strategies to limit its effects.
December 24 – 2:23 pm