What is known about the Italian coronavirus vaccine plan


On Monday Domenico Arcuri, extraordinary commissioner for the Covid-19 emergency, but also responsible for the operational plan for the distribution of vaccines in Italy, spoke before the budget committees of the Chamber and the Senate to explain how the coronavirus vaccine will be distributed in Italy once it is available.

Arcuri said that the plan foresees that there will be “one point of administration of the vaccine and perhaps one point of storage for every 20-30 thousand citizens” and recalled that some vaccines that are being tested must “be administered twice for each individual.” . The commissioner explained that the plan, which is being drawn up, also foresees “the involvement of the regional and municipal administrations” and must take into account “the parliamentary elections on the categories that will have priority in the administration”, considering four variables for each a. vaccine: “temperature, manufacturers’ method of distribution, type of storage, and method of administration.”

By November 21, the regions should have indicated to the commissioner the “appropriate structures” within the provinces where the Pfizer vaccine could be stored, among the first that could arrive and the most delicate to handle due to the need to secure the chain. of cold. especially for storage longer than 15 days. According to what you write The sun 24 hours, last Friday, however, only 10 regions (which increased to 13 on Monday) had provided the Commissioner with the requested information. The regions, in detail, had to communicate the “hospitals” for the first phase of administration and the number and characteristics of the “mobile units” that will be used to vaccinate, for example, Rsa guests and operators.

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Next, Arcuri reminded the commissions that Italy is entitled to 13.5 percent of the vaccines purchased by the European Union and to date our country has spent more than 94 million euros “which is the part that the European Union has. He asked Italy to purchase the vaccines that have been prepared so far. ”The commissioner also said that it is not up to him to determine which categories the vaccine will go to first, but it is a political choice for the government, which will probably make a However, Arcuri pointed out as parameters to take into account “the level of exposure to contagion of the categories and the level of fragility”.

The Health Minister, Roberto Speranza, would aim to present the plan, which, by admission of the technicians of the same ministry, is based on German, already in the coming days. The vaccine is likely not mandatory, but “recommended” and that the first categories to be administered will be hospital operators, the elderly (especially those living in the RSA) and the police.

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