
For now Giuseppe Conte company i Dpcm as if it were a glass of water. Two weeks after the last one that was supposed to regulate Christmas and the various festivities until January 6, the prime minister is about to introduce another decree, this time it consists of only three articles, according to the draft distributed by Palazzo Chigi and already available to all press agencies. On the occasion of this Christmas Conte has really exceeded all limits, humiliating Italy both in terms of method and timing: Was there a need for another Dpcm for four cross measurements over the next two weeks? And above all, how is it possible to get almost to December 19 to have a bit of official communication?
In a while we would find the prime minister in conference directly for dinner, or for the replacement who will replace him this anomalous Christmas in the time of Covid. From the draft of the new decree we learn that On holidays and days before holidays between December 24 and January 6, the red zone will apply to the entire national territory, while the orange zone will come into force on December 28-29-30 and January 4. In addition, during holidays and the eve of holidays, it will be possible to go to private homes only once a day between 5 and 22, to a single home located in the same region and within the limit of two people, in addition to those who already coexist and with minor children. 14 years.