ROME The expected cataclysm does not seem to exist. According to exit polls in Tuscany the center-left candidate is ahead of the challenger of the League and in Puglia the confrontation between the outgoing Emiliano and the challenger Fitto is already a success that with the ballot could become an advantage for the president. in office, thanks to the divided vote.
Therefore, tonight an unexpected three to three could emerge that strengthens the government of Giuseppe Conte and, above all, reassures the secretary of Pd Nicola Zingaretti who, in case of success in Tuscany and Puglia, will have arguments not only to promote the government action and steal it. from the quicksand of the post-health emergency.
But if the Democratic Party was able to toast the narrow escape tonight, the M5S remains on the bench with ever lower percentages and no competitive candidates. Not even in the Apulia of Lezzi and Di Battista. The result of the referendum is not enough to revive a Movement that has lost its social name if not the horizon of the government. If the Democratic Party keeps Tuscany and Puglia, losing the Marches, the problems for the Prime Minister could come from the M5S even if the Moist line seems to have a setback with the Apulian vote.
The success of the Yes in the referendum was taken for granted, but it could surprise not only the turnout but especially the number of opponents of the constitutional reform. A percentage much higher than that expressed in Parliament at the time of the vote and which could once again demonstrate the distance between parties and voters.
But it is not just the results of regional elections that make the government stronger. There is an immediate effect produced by the result of the referendum: the Chambers cannot be dissolved because there is no electoral law adequate to the new composition of Parliament. This is not a small element, even if it is a common law that could be passed in a short time, provided an agreement is reached between the political forces.