“What happened the first time I spoke to him”, now you understand everything – Libero Quotidiano


Bruno Vespa to Porta a Porta

Matteo Renzi and Luigi Di Maio They have the same goal: they both want a shakeup. For Bruno Vespa, the former hopes to replace Education Lucia azzolina with Maria Elena Boschi, “better – explains the director of Door to door about him Day – if with a prime minister other than Giuseppe Conte. “Di Maio, on the other hand, points to a reorganization” to add, possibly, to the position of chancellor that of vice president of the Council, returning to head the delegation to the government of the M5S and return to be a political leader instead of Vito Crimi “. Even the grillino, like the scrapper, hoping to see another premier. However, Vespa continues, Di Maio of the prime minister always speaks well. In fact, very good.

“The first time I spoke at length with the current chancellor, after the 2013 elections, I had the impression of being in front of an offshoot of the pure Christian Democratic school. Today he talks about Conte as Giulio Andreotti spoke well in ’92. Arnaldo Forlani, while trying to eliminate his candidacy for the Quirinale. “In short, a way like any other to say that Di Maio aims high.

With these polls and this law .... Vespa, the political suicide of Zinga: Salvini and Meloni, a historical coat

But there is more, because “Di Maio, like Renzi, would need a weakened Democratic Party: for this he prevented the winning alliance of his candidate in Puglia with Emiliano and in all the other regions in which we vote in a week.” With the only exception (loser) of Liguria where the Democratic Party risks regretting a demanding compromise that could not bring it any advantage. They better lose their allies too“.
