What Giuseppe Conte said


On Sunday evening, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte held a press conference to update the government’s decisions on restrictive measures that will be taken to contain the second wave of coronavirus infections. Conte successively listed the following measures, generally moderate compared to the discussions between those calling for more drastic interventions regarding the increasing spread of the infection and those who prioritize concerns for the economic and social health of the country:

  • mayors will be able to close streets and squares where gatherings can be created after 9:00 p.m., allowing access to neighbors and those who carry out professional activities there
  • all catering activities may be open from 5 to 24, if consumption is done at the tables: otherwise only until 18
  • home deliveries have no time limitation
  • a maximum of 6 people per table in restaurants, and outdoor signs indicating the maximum number of seats
  • without limitation to catering activities in hospitals, airports and highways
  • the game and bingo rooms can remain open until 9:00 p.m.
  • School activities continue in person, but in secondary schools more flexible methods will be favored, with admissions at 9 a.m. and afternoon shifts if possible
  • universities should be able to adapt to developments
  • Competitions in amateur sports are not allowed.
  • Local festivals and fairs are prohibited and national and international fairs are allowed.
  • conference activities are suspended
  • We will give the gyms a week to verify compliance with the protocols, and in the event of unsatisfactory verifications, their activity will be suspended.

In the last two weeks, the contagion data registered in Italy has drastically worsened: after the entire month of September the positives checked daily had remained between one thousand and two thousand, from the beginning of October they began to increase rapidly and in the last days exceeded ten thousand three times. The data on deaths and hospitalizations are also on the rise, and knowing that they are following trends that are several days and even weeks behind those of infections, there is great concern about how the situation will evolve in the short term.

– Read also: What does an “exponential” growth of infections imply

The press conference began at 9:30 p.m., with subsequent postponements with respect to the first announcements. According to news all to be confirmed in the evening, the government should have presented a new decree of the president of the Council of Ministers (DPCM) that will introduce the aforementioned additional measures to contain the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, a few days after the last one. . But it is good to wait for the final text so as not to comment on advances that may be inaccurate.
