At a press conference held on Wednesday, Domenico Arcuri, extraordinary commissioner for the Covid-19 emergency, spoke about the latest news about the coronavirus in Italy and gave some details about the vaccination campaign that will begin on Sunday, December 27. Arcuri, a very polarizing public figure, said among other things:
The virus itself is not worrisome, it becomes when it attacks a person’s body, we have all learned this by now. And it is especially so when it attacks the body of a fragile person, and unfortunately we have all learned this too: 70 thousand Italians have left, thanks to this tragedy.
Then, referring to the fragile people, therefore the elderly and those suffering from pathologies, he added: “When as many of these people as possible have been vaccinated, finally this terrible virus will begin to be harmless.”
Referring to the Italian coronavirus vaccine plan, Arcuri said the first 9,750 doses will be administered on December 27 (it will be a “symbolic” administration). As of the week that will begin on Monday, December 28, Arcuri added, another 450,000 doses of the US pharmaceutical company Pfizer should arrive, which will be taken to the 300 administration points previously agreed between the government, the regions and the autonomous provinces. The first to be vaccinated, as already announced, will be the doctors, nurses, health personnel and the staff and guests of the nursing homes.
– Read also: Who was Arcuri before becoming Arcuri?