Latest news on coronavirus October 14:
Prime Minister Conte and Minister Speranza have signed the new Dpcm on anti-Covid measures to deal with the emergency after it took place last Saturday meeting of the heads of delegation with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and on Sunday that of CTS and the Minister of Health, who gave the green light to the new 10-day quarantine and only 1 negative buffer to leave the fiduciary isolation or quarantine.
The signing of the new Dpcm could already arrive tonight, Monday, October 12, to confirm that yesterday the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza was invited in the ‘Che tempo che fa’ of Rai3: “We hope to sign it tomorrow night. We are in a phase change and we need to strengthen ties and in the Dpcm there will be gear change even with measures in higher risk areas. Let’s try to play early to increase the level of attention.“.
The new DPCM of October 13, 2020 signed:
The government did not have time to approve and publish the text of the new Dpcm of October 7, which has already signed a new decree of the president of the Council of Ministers with a duration of 30 days.
So what does the new October 12 DPCM offer? Minister Speranza, the government, always anticipated the contents “strengthen ties in that nonessential part of people’s lives” e ”We will intervene to avoid private parties that we can avoid at this time and meetings. We will act on schedules and increase controls‘. A national closure is currently not planned “should be avoided”, although it is assumed that there may be “selective closures if there are particularly difficult situations”. But beyond the measures, the minister stressed that ‘the key to trying to turn the curve is people’s behavior” as ”75% of infections come from family relationships or close personal relationships’‘.
Then in the new DPCM There is smarter work, close to house parties and places closed at midnight so as not to affect too much the already weak economy of restaurants, bars and clubs, new 10-day quarantine and only 1 negative cushion control at the exit, possibility of swabbing general practitioners and pediatricians also with a view to reducing the number of drive-ins, the capacity of public transport will be reduced, there will be no meetings, prohibition of consuming feet, food and drink, masks always with the exception of some exceptions illustrated by the Viminale circular.
Covid, Text Dpcm October 13, 2020 official pdf:
Official Deputy of the DPCM October 13:
New Dpcm October 13, 2020, the new restrictions:
With the new Prime Minister’s Decree of October 13, 2020, the Conte government introduces new measures to try to avoid a new blockade throughout Italy, and has therefore opted for more drastic measures.
So here are the possible new restrictions:
masks carried everywhere, also for sports activities with some exceptions, as detailed in the Viminale circular. Based on the provisions of article 1 of the text of the new Prime Minister’s Decree, “It is mandatory throughout the national territory to always carry respiratory protection devices, as well as the obligation to carry them indoors other than private homes and in all outdoor places except in cases where, due to the places or circumstances , the condition of isolation of people who do not live together is guaranteed continuously, and in any case without prejudice to the anti-contagion protocols and guidelines provided for economic, productive, administrative and social activities, as well as the guidelines for food consumption and drinks. “The obligation excludes those who practice sports, children under 6 years of age, people with diseases and disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask. It is also” highly recommended “‘use of devices’ even within private homes in the presence of people who do not live together“.
curfew to contain the nightlife, so early closing of bars, restaurants and clubs at midnight.
stop 21 of beverages outside food and beverage outlets. Therefore, it is forbidden to consume standing up but you can continue serving customers only in those places that have a table, indoors or outdoors.
no meetings in front of schools, offices and public places, public transport stops;
Dinners at homeObviously there is no prohibition but a “strong recommendation” to avoid receiving at home, for parties, dinners or other occasions, more than 6 relatives or friends with whom you do not live.
Events with gatherings they are suspended in the absence of distancing. The autonomous regions and provinces may establish, in agreement with the Ministry of Health, a different maximum number of spectators depending on the size and characteristics of the plazas.
Stadiums: for sports competitions the presence of the public is allowed “,with a maximum filling percentage of 15% of the total capacity and, in any case, no more than the maximum number of 1000 spectators“outdoors and 200 indoors. The distance of one meter and the measurement of fever at the entrance must be guaranteed. The autonomous regions and provinces, in relation to the progress of the epidemiological situation in their territories, may establish, in agreement with the Minister of Health, a different maximum number of spectators in consideration of the size and characteristics of the places and facilities; With reference to the maximum number of spectators for non-outdoor sports events and competitions, the ordinances already adopted by the autonomous regions and provinces are subject in any case.
Sport: All competitions, competitions and all activities related to contact sports of an amateur nature are prohibited. With respect to contact sports the draft of the Dpcm text establishes that they can only be practiced “,by professional clubs and both at a competitive and grassroots level, by amateur associations and clubs recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), by the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP), in compliance with the protocols issued by the respective national sports federations , associated sports disciplines and sports promotion bodies, capable of preventing or reducing the risk of contagion in the reference sector or in similar sectorsTherefore, soccer, volleyball, basketball, etc. are prohibited. at an amateur level.