The Faqs of the Lombardy Region clarify some still ambiguous aspects of the interpretation of the curfew that came into force on Thursday, October 22
Does the public establishment have to be free of customers at 11:00 pm?
Food and beverage management activities are allowed until 11:00 p.m., the time at which the room must be cleared and therefore customers who are still present must proceed to the exit, after having finished the drinks without delay.
How do you calculate the time your customers return home at 11:00 p.m., the time set for the closing of public shops?
Customers who are still present at the public establishment at 11:00 pm should go to their homes without delay, obviously by the shortest route.
If a client leaves a public establishment or a performance hall before 11.00 p.m. M., But when you return home “you stay longer” this time, is it punishable?
The client who leaves the facilities before 11:00 pm and who, to travel the shortest distance necessary to return home, “exceeds” the aforementioned time, cannot be processed according to art. 1 of the ordinance of the Minister of Health of October 21, 2020, adopted in agreement with the President of the Region, it is always possible to return to home, residence or residence.
Are overnight trips to and from the airport / train station allowed (travelers who have already booked flights / trains or companions)?
Yes, since travel to and from the airport is a situation of necessity, capable of justifying travel even during the hours between 11pm and 5am. These movements may also be justified by proven work needs. The burden of producing an adequate self-declaration pursuant to art. 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree 445/2000.
Is it allowed to stop and work behind closed doors after 11 a.m. in a restaurant (to clean or prepare food for the next day)?
Yes, as long as the place has been cleared and closed to the public and that only the personnel assigned to clean and prepare food for the following day work there for the time strictly necessary.