19 October 2020 11:01
On October 18, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced a new decree that introduces more restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus in the country, following the exponential increase in cases in recent days in Italy. Conte stressed that the objective of the new regulation is “to avoid a new generalized confinement”, but with “solutions different from those of last spring”, although “the situation is critical.” This is what the measure provides:
- Bars, restaurants and discos. The restaurants will have to close at midnight and will have to have tables of up to six people. From 24 to 5 in the morning they can only carry service. For the rest of the places (bars, pubs) table service will be compulsory from 6:00 p.m. For parties linked to religious or civil ceremonies, the limit of thirty people is maintained, according to the previous dpcm. The game rooms, betting rooms and bingo rooms will only be open until 9:00 p.m.
- Events. Festivals and fairs are prohibited, while national and international fairs remain allowed. “All conference or congress activities are suspended, except those carried out remotely.” Additionally, it is “strongly recommended that private meetings be held remotely.”
- Curfew. Mayors can organize local curfews after 9pm.
- Schools. Kindergartens and elementary schools will continue to attend. For secondary schools, “flexible forms of didactic activity” are envisaged, reinforcing the use of distance education and modulating entry and exit times “also through the possible use of afternoon shifts and provided that entry is not made earlier. at 9 “.
- Sports and gyms. Only “national or regional interest” events and contests are allowed. Amateur “contact” sports, such as soccer and basketball, remain prohibited. For basic sports only individual activities are allowed. The gyms remain open, but checks will be carried out in the coming weeks to decide whether to close them.
- Work from home. During the press conference, the prime minister announced that in the next few days the labor minister should bring smart work for the public sector to 75 percent. In the private sector, however, there will continue to be a “strong recommendation” to use smart work, but without obligation. In public administration, meetings will be held remotely. However, the new dpcm is not expressed on this subject.