what changes throughout Italy as of tomorrow, January 4


Tomorrow, January 4, all of Italy turns from red to orange before turning red on the 5th and 6th. Monday will be the only day left on vacation and the main differences concern freedom of movement and shops open and closed: While in the red zone any movement is prohibited except for reasons of necessity, health or work with self-certification, in the orange zone it is possible to move freely within your municipality (but you cannot leave your municipality or region) without self-certification.

From the red zone to the orange: what changes throughout Italy as of tomorrow, January 4

Also in the orange zone the curfew is maintained from 10 to 5. In any case, today there are also exceptions for up to two people that allow travel to go to the house of friends or family. In the orange zone it is possible to leave your municipality to buy something that is not available where you live or there is no economic convenience in buying outside your municipality. Self-certification is used for those who need to leave their municipality or region for reasons of work, health, extreme need and urgency. All stores are open except for bars and restaurants that can still deliver and take out. Hairdressers, barbers and beauty centers are open. In summary, in the orange zone:

  • You can move freely within your municipality from 5 to 22 hours;
  • You can travel outside your municipality to visit family and friends, but always within your own region.
  • you cannot leave your region;
  • It is possible to travel outside the municipalities with a population of no more than 5,000 inhabitants, traveling a distance of no more than 30 kilometers and without going to the provincial capital;

It is still possible, both in the orange zone and in the red zone, to travel between municipalities to reach minors with the other parent or caregiver or to take them to their own home. It is allowed to go to church from 5 am to 10 pm and walks and motor activities are allowed. It is also allowed to reach public parks and gardens within the municipality itself, play for children in parks and villas and travel to attend family funerals. You are always allowed to return to your home or residence (during the hours when the curfew is not in effect). Within the exercises, the possibility of respecting the interpersonal distance of one meter must be ensured (to be clear: there is no “classic” queue at the boxes, you have to stay away). Tickets should be deferred so that there are no gatherings within the premises and you should not stay in the stores for longer than necessary to purchase merchandise. As the government’s Faq also explains on the website of the presidency of the council of ministers, regarding businesses in the orange zone:

  • the bars and restaurants are open exclusively for the sale of take-out food until 6:00 p.m. and for home delivery, which in any case must be carried out in accordance with the regulations on packaging and delivery of products;
  • In the areas or moments in which the consumption of food and beverages is suspended within the premises, the entry and stay in it by customers is allowed only for the time strictly necessary to acquire the products to take away and always in the compliance with contagion prevention measures. In any case, gatherings or consumption near the premises are not allowed;
  • Only the food and beverage outlets located in the service and refueling areas of the highways, hospitals and airports can remain open after 6:00 p.m., with the obligation to guarantee in any case that the interpersonal distance of at least one meter;
  • The hotel restaurants are open to guests staying there, just like in the red light district. Therefore, catering is allowed (without a time limit) only within the hotel or accommodation where you are staying. If there is no such service within their hotel or accommodation, the client can use a take away or home delivery service (possibly organized by the hotel), within the time limits allowed, with consumption in the hotel;

There are no restrictions on the categories of tradable goods. On holidays and the eve of holidays, commercial establishments within shopping centers and markets are closed, with the exception of pharmacies, parapharmacies, health centers, food points, tobacconists and kiosks.

Yellow zone “reinforced” in the regions: the government’s plan for January 7

When you need self-certification in the orange zone

In the orange zone, self-certification is used to travel during curfew hours (from 10 pm to 5 am), when travel is authorized only for work, health or necessity and urgency reasons. In self-certification (here is the latest self-declaration form available in pdf on the Viminale website), the signer must declare that his movement is determined by:

  • labor needs;
  • health reasons;
  • other reasons allowed by current regulations or by decrees, ordinances and other measures mentioned above that define the measures to prevent the spread of infection;

It will also be necessary to indicate in the self-certification form: your usual address, a valid telephone contact, that is not subject to the quarantine measure or that has not tested positive for Covid-19 (except for movements ordered by the health authorities), to be “aware of the criminal consequences provided for in the event of false statements to a public official” regulated by article 495 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. What risks do those who are not in good position have? First, a fine of between 400 and a thousand euros, as required by the decree. When moving from one private home to another, as it is an exception to the regulations, it must be motivated as one of the “other reasons allowed by current regulations”.

Self-certification: the self-declaration form in pdf to download
