New CCNL Domestic Work: For Domestic Workers, Caregivers and Nannies the new collective agreement arrives. the the news will start from October 1, 2020 and will be operational until the end of 2022.
What changes by and domestic workers and for families? The details come from the unions and trade associations that have joined the new. CCNL for Domestic Workers, Caregivers and Nannies.
The domestic work contract will apply to approx. 860 thousand regular workers in the sector, which rise to 2 million if we consider the estimates of undeclared workers.
The objective is to stimulate the emergence of irregular labor relations, with a new CCNL which is convenient both the worker and families with the elderly or children to help.
So let’s take stock of the innovations envisioned by the new CCNL domestic work in force since October 1, 2020.
New CCNL Housework, Salary Increase for Home Helpers, Caregivers and Nannies from October 1, 2020 – Today
Providing a summary of the innovations foreseen by the contract renewal is the CGIL Filcams, one of the unions signed by the CCNL together with the trade associations Federcolf, Fidaldo (which includes Nuova Collaborazione, Assindatcolf, Adld and Adlc) and Domina.
The renewal agreement provides for a monthly salary increase equal to 12 euros for domestic workers classified in the medium level B Super, as of January 1, 2021, with a benefit system as of October 1, 2020 by 100 to 116 euros.
Having the right will be the workers who assist children up to 6 years, family caregivers, and caregivers who care for more than one dependent person.
Workers in possession of the quality certification will also be granted an additional bonus of up to 10 euros per month.
Not just wages: in the new CCNL domestic work disappears the “tripartition” of domestic workers, caregivers and nannies
L ‘salary increase is just one of many new features planned by the new CCNL of domestic work for the triennium 2020-2022.
Among the most important innovations is the subdivision into four levels of the classification of family assistants, each of which corresponds to two different pay tables, divided according to the knowledge and skills possessed for the requested job.
The “tripartition” between home helpers, carers and nannies is overcome, with the aim of identifying correct classification of the domestic worker depending on the work context, distinguishing between those who take care of the home or people.
The Assindatcolf also highlights the debut of the new figure of trained assistant educator, an extra help for those who need to care for people, including children, in difficult conditions due to mental disabilities or learning or relationship disorders within the home.
New CCNL domestic work, more advantages also for families: what changes as of October 1, 2020
For home helpers, carers and babysitters, the new CCNL therefore introduces a number of important innovations, including measures to encourage training and prevent violence.
the Advertisements however they refer even families who have the support of domestic helpers, especially in cases of need due to health problems.
As reported by Assindatcolf, as of October 1 for families who need continuous assistance, it will be financially more convenient to hire the night caretaker or a worker to replace the owner.
“A protection for families in need of continuous assistance to the elderly who are not self-sufficient, without harming the rights of workers”, continues the trade association.
As of October 1, those who need to hire a night caregiver can pay social security contributions in a conventional 8-hour schedule, with a reduction of 24 hours per week.
For those who need 24 hour assistance, CCNL’s new domestic work provides economic benefits for hiring a caregiver who integrates the owner’s work into rest hours.
The objective of the CCNL Domestic Work 2020 is obviously twofold: to offer greater protection to home helpers, carers and babysitters, making it convenient to follow the path of regularity, both for the worker and for the family, stopping the phenomenon of illegal work .