What can be done at Easter and what is prohibited by the new confinement


What can be done at Easter and Easter Monday? Little, very little: on April 3, 4 and 5, all of Italy will be in the red zone established by the government decree in force since March 6. For Easter and Easter Monday, therefore, there are precise rules and restrictions to deal with the increase in infections, but with some concessions.

Decree law n. 30, of March 13, which establishes the red zone from Saturday, April 3 to Easter Monday (April 5) in all regions, regardless of color, brings Italy to a kind of three-day lockdown with the that the government hopes to avoid expanding. lunches, parties and gatherings. But there are some tradeoffs.

In fact, on April 3, 4 and 5, a maximum of two people, in addition to those who already live together, may move to another private home inhabited in the same Region once a day, between 5:00 and 22:00. . Destination address. The person or two people who move can bring with them children under 14 years of age (or other children under 14 over whom the same people exercise parental authority) and disabled or non-self-sufficient people who live with them.

It is a concession because the same decree establishes that until April 2 and 6, all movements to inhabited private homes are prohibited other than those that are not for reasons of work, necessity or health.

The colors of the regions and the Easter blockade

colored regions April 3

Therefore, despite the red zone on the Easter weekend, it will be allowed to visit relatives and acquaintances with the only limitation of respecting the limit of two people and the only movement within 24 hours. But not lunches in the restaurant or coffees and snacks: for bars and restaurants only take-out and home delivery services are allowed, exactly like last Christmas.

And if after the Easter meal you want to go for a run or walk, remember that sports activity is allowed within the territory of your municipality, from 5 to 22, and only if it is done individually and outdoors, maintaining the interpersonal distance of two meters.

More exceptions apply to running and cycling enthusiasts: in fact, it is possible to cross the border of another municipality while traveling on foot and by bicycle “as long as it is only functional for the sporting activity itself and the final destination coincides with the municipality of departure “.

What to do at Easter

If it is allowed to go to lunch with friends for dinner, things get difficult since the curfew starts at 22. The rules are clear: the return home, we read in the Faq, must always take place between 5:00 and 10:00. 22.00, throughout the national territory. In short, you can not go home at any time with the “excuse” of leaving home for lunch or in the afternoon. Therefore, the only way to spend an evening with friends or family is to stay and sleep in the host’s house, but it would certainly be better to behave more cautiously.

What can be done on Easter Monday?

And on Easter Monday? The rules of the red zone do not allow many possibilities. Although access to public gardens and parks is still allowed, “unless the local authorities specify otherwise”, in fact, walks “are allowed, as a motor activity, only in the vicinity of the house”.

So no picnics. The green areas will be open only for physical activity and in compliance with the distance of at least one meter from any other person and with the obligation to wear personal protective equipment.

To welcome families, minors also have access to public parks and gardens, as well as play areas provided they are “with relatives or other people who habitually live together or take care of them.”

The rules about trips and visits to family and friends.

For Easter and Easter Monday, precise rules and restrictions also for travel. To cope with the increase in infections, it will be possible to make one visit a day within the region. No more than two adults can move together – with children under 14 or disabled or living together not self-sufficient – between 5 and 22, because the curfew is still in effect.

As for second homes, the government FAQ explains that you can go there in any color gamut. Only the family can go and only if the house is not inhabited by others. In addition, you must prove that you are an owner or a tenant from a date before January 14, 2021. Returning to these homes within or outside the region is allowed. In any case, the government website specifies with the corresponding Faq, it is also allowed to move outside the municipality or the region of residence for proven reasons of work, health or necessity or to return to the own residence, domicile or home.

However, there are regions that have opted for more restrictive measures: Sardinia and Valle d’Aosta, for example, have imposed a limit on access to second homes for non-residents, unless there are proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons . . Campania did the same with a stricter ordinance issued by Governor Vincenzo De Luca: here movements from the municipality of residence, domicile or habitual residence to second residences in the region were prohibited, except for proven reasons of necessity or urgency and in any case for the time strictly necessary.

The autonomous province of Bolzano has decided to prevent the return to second homes until Easter, limited to owners who reside in the red zone. In Tuscany, second homes are prohibited until Sunday April 11 for those arriving from outside the region, unless they have their own residence in Tuscany. Also in this case it is a regional ordinance.

When you can join your spouse or partner in a different region

As for the meetings, since during the Easter holidays the rules of the red zone apply, as specified in the Faq published by the government, it is possible to communicate with your spouse or partner if you live in a different city or region for work or other reasons. reasons. This provided that the place chosen for the reunification coincides with the one in which you have residence, domicile or home. It is possible to travel for a separated or divorced parent to reunite minor children with the other parent or in any case with the caregiver, or take them away, even between regions and between different risk areas.

Assistance to friends and family who are not self-sufficient

It is possible to travel to assist family or friends who are not self-sufficient, as long as it is a condition of need. The movement of care to non-self-sufficient people is also allowed between municipalities, regions and autonomous provinces in different areas, where it is not possible to provide them with the necessary assistance through other subjects present in the same territory. However, it is not possible to transfer more than the people strictly necessary to provide assistance: as a general rule, the need to provide assistance cannot justify the movement of more than one adult relative, possibly accompanied by minors or disabled persons who habitually attend.

It is allowed to accompany a person who has to make a justified move for the reasons provided in the decree but who does not have the possibility of driving a private vehicle. When the companion and the companion do not live together, both must wear appropriate personal protective equipment. You can move to church or other places of worship, always choosing the one closest to home. Access to places of worship is allowed, provided that meetings are avoided and a distance of not less than one meter is ensured between visitors.

What does it mean that the controls will be more “humane” at Easter?

Read on Today.it
