
One month after Christmas and waiting for the new data that will lead to the first declines in the red regions to orange, one wonders what parties will be the next. “Sobrie” keeps repeating from the government, insinuating that very little of the Christmas you are used to will be preserved.
Christmas gatherings, new rules for children and couples: will a residency certificate be needed?
Bolzano red zone, confirmed orange zones for Basilicata, Liguria and Umbria. Hope signs the order
However, there are many doubts and they catch millions of Italians who are curious, for example, to know if they will be able to leave their region to visit family members tighter, especially now that the Regions are on the way to going mostly yellow. “We must avoid movements that are not strictly necessary – said the Health Minister last night.” Roberto Speranza joining the director of prevention ministry Gianni Rezza who had excluded unlimited travel for the day – relations with others should be reduced as much as possible when they are not essential and need to stay home whenever possible. ” On the other hand the curfew 22 hours. So can we go to mass on December 24? (“We will evaluate”) And maybe stay for dinner with the whole family? Today, as Speranza explains, there will be “a meeting on the subject” to clarify how many guests will be able to sit at the table (or rather, those who will be strongly advised to limit invitations) with attention only to “the closest loved ones “. And again, can you go skiing or not? At least walking around to buy gifts? Questions that in the next few days, delivered, will find the first answers.
If I live in another
region that I can
go to my parents?
The government plans to hit the holidays with Italy largely yellow. This, based on the current Dpcm expiring on December 3, would allow everyone to move from one region to another. An unpopular “go-ahead” that would make infections spike again. Therefore, on the table is the hypothesis of a “reinforced yellow zone” that prohibits travel between regions and, perhaps, between municipalities. This would mean that you can only move for valid reasons (health, work or need). Therefore, visiting relatives in a region or municipality other than the one of residence would not be allowed. However, we are thinking about the approval of family reunification (only for parents and children), but even this is little more than an idea.
On the table with
the whole family
at home? Is it out?
According to the latest indications filtered by government circles, the hypothesis is to allow the organization of dinners at home during the holidays but only among close relatives and the limit of 6 or 10 people (we’re working on it) excluded children. Obviously, there is a strong recommendation to avoid the possibility of contagion and limit this type of solution. Nothing to do instead for dinners in the restaurant. The restoration activities, even with the Dpcm of December 4, will have to lower the blind at 6:00 p.m., continuing to the limit with take away food and home delivery. However, for lunches away from home, the limit of 4 sessions at the table must remain.
We can move
in second homes?
Closed ski slopes may not slow down the desire to leave the city of those who have a second home in the mountains, as well as those who have it by the sea or in their country of origin. However, to date, as happened during the running of the bulls in spring, if you are in the red or orange zone, you do not have the possibility of crossing the regional limits (not even the municipal ones in the red zone) to get to the house . The only exception in case of urgent work need. As for the yellow areas, if for the moment the movements are allowed without too many difficulties (even intra-regional), things could change to avoid that the favorable numbers of the contagion translate into a deleterious free all.
There are moments to follow
buy in stores?
At least buying gifts shouldn’t be a problem. As Prime Minister Conte has said in recent days, stores are in fact moving towards extended opening hours. This solution would allow to spread the influx of customers, avoiding meetings in clubs and shopping streets, between 8 and 22 hours. In any case, the objective is also to tighten controls in risk areas and strictly limit the entry of activities. Not only that, as is already the case in some regions, there are plans to divide access to stores into time slots, leaving those over 65 to use them only in the early afternoon. Also, for the run-up to Christmas, there is debate about reopening shopping malls also on weekends.
Night outings
Will there be a curfew?
And the mass of December 24
Today’s curfew does not seem to be in doubt, but its modalities are being discussed. In fact, 10 pm is a flexible horizon that part of the wanted government to extend until 11 pm at the least until the days immediately preceding the holiday (also under the extension of business hours). A loosening that, however, would be the prelude to a subsequent tightening. In fact, from 19 or 23 December, the objective is to impose a curfew at 21:00 pm in an attempt to discourage those who plan to be home for dinner or a bingo creating situations of contagion. As for the mass on the 24th night, Minister Roberto Speranza seems to have cleared up the last doubts last night. “The curfew after 10 pm is also for mass,” he said, adding that “an evaluation will still be carried out in the coming days.”
Last updated: 22:26