what can and cannot be done


In the latest provision signed by Giuseppe Conte, Italy has been divided into three bands and each of them has been assigned a color: the yellow zone has been attributed to those regions where the risk is considered lower and that is, in fact, where the restrictions are less drastic. In these regions, therefore, general national measures apply, including the obligation to wear a mask and the prohibition of travel between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.

Yellow zone, orange zone and red zone: these are the three bands in which Italy was divided in the last decree signed by Giuseppe Conte to contain the Coronavirus pandemic (SEE THE MAP). Each of these bands has been assigned a more or less high risk coefficient and, consequently, more or less restrictive measures (THE MEASURES). The yellow zone is the one that is considered less serious and in the regions included in this strip, the general national measures are applied, therefore less restrictive (THE UPDATES – THE SPECIAL).

What can or cannot be done in the yellow zone?

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Dpcm, Italy divided into three bands: possible areas of risk of blocking

In the yellow zone, the measures established by the government for the entire national territory are valid, without major restrictions, therefore, aimed at differentiating these regions from those considered to be at higher risk. Among the essential rules are: the obligation to wear a mask when leaving the house and the prohibition to leave the house between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. (you can only leave for work, health or need reasons). Shopping centers have also been closed on holidays and the eve of holidays, but inside food stores, pharmacies, parapharmacies and kiosks remain open. Exhibitions, museums and bingo halls are also closed. Regarding public transport, the reduced capacity of 50% has been confirmed throughout the territory, while the school will be in Dad from high school. Displacements are allowed both within and outside the municipality. It is also allowed to reach another region as long as it is also in the yellow band. As far as sport is concerned, it is allowed to carry out outdoor sports or physical activities, even in conditioned areas and public parks, obviously where these are accessible and in any case respecting the safety distance. Sports clubs also remain open in the yellow strip, but the use of changing rooms is prohibited. However, the pools and gyms remain closed.
