what Biden wants to do and what has Trump done


the newly elected president Joe Biden announced a new plan for the lotta to coronavirus in United States from the date of his investiture in White House next January 20.

Biden, in his conference on Monday, in fact, he had stated that he wanted to establish a working group made up of 13 members, including doctors, public health experts and researchers, and outlined some of the measures ready to be activated.

Coronavirus: what Biden wants to do and what Trump has done

In the last 24 hours, the US has reached record number of more than 163 thousand new infections. A certainly impressive number but which, if compared in percentage terms, is, for example, lower than the registered in Italy.

When comparing Italy and America during the last week, it can be seen that the swabs per million inhabitants are 2,959 in Italy and 4,242 in state.

Furthermore, in the case of our country, we have a ratio of 16% of positive cases with 45 deaths, while the United States has 8% of positive cases and 18 deaths per million inhabitants.

So let’s go and compare the policies that Biden is ready to go once his mandate has started and the actions carried out by Donald trump to counteract Covid-19.

Mandatory masks


It is not yet clear whether the president can implement a mask obligation at the national level, given that the United States is a Federal Republic, in which the States maintain strong autonomy in these matters.

However, the goal of the Biden-Harris ticket is to reach agreements with governors and mayors to encourage them to issue ordinances that provide for this imposition.

In addition, the former vice president has often shown himself in public with this security device, also trying to raise awareness among his followers.


The position on Trump masks that emerged from public statements in recent months is more confusing. If at first she claimed that he would not use it because it was a voluntary additional measure, her attitude changed around the time of the elections.

On more than one occasion he stated that it was a patriotic gesture to be adopted, however criticizing his opponent who, according to Donald, he had an excessive behavior in this regard.

Additionally, Trump argued that Dr. Fauci, the current head of the coronavirus task force, had initially stated that masks were not a useful tool to prevent contagion. Words flatly denied by the interested party.

Tamponi e contact tracking


the Biden’s plan is to ensure that all Americans have access to regular, reliable and free tests. The next American president would be ready to put one up Pandemic Testing Board to distribute tens of millions of tests and in this way try to track people without symptoms and map the distribution of infections.


On more than one occasion Donald trump he blamed the increase in tests carried out, which, he said, would have caused the increase in cases. His administration then tried to change the guidelines, arguing that it was not necessary to rub the asymptomatic.

Rules for social distancing

Joe biden me Kamala harris I have illustrated how I Centers for Disease Control will play a fundamental role in the fight against contagion, providing the data of a territory and, consequently, increasing or decreasing the restrictive measures about social distancing.

This also includes deciding whether to open or close schools, along with the rules necessary to make classrooms safe.


As for the masks, Triumph gave mixed messages regarding safety distance rules between the people.

What was noticed during his electoral campaign is that, unlike the democratic challenger, the Magnate He never discouraged the presence of the crowd at his demonstrations, nor did he bother to impose the space of at least one meter between the people.
