Some regions may end up in a harsher restricted zone. These are the ones at risk
The establishment of red, orange and yellow areas divided Italy based on the severity of the epidemic of coronavirus hits in a certain region. However, doubts still persist about the correct assignment of some regions to a specific area, in relation to the risk of contagion and the stability of the health system.
As reported by Corriere della Sera, the regions that could be downgraded to an area with greater restrictions are Campania me Liguria, which could even turn into red areas, and there is also speculation Tuscany, Veneto me Lazio. Health Minister Roberto Speranza said he was ready to intervene if the data shows a deterioration.
The case of Campania
The case of Campania is emblematic. If, on the one hand, Governor Vincenzo De Luca has implemented more severe measures than those of the yellow areas, on the other hand there are those who say that it is not enough. The adviser to the Minister of Health, Walter Ricciardi, has repeatedly called for a royal blockade for Naples.
But Minister Speranza specified that it is not the government’s job to act in a province: “President De Luca can intervene in the metropolitan area, as Zingaretti did in Latina.”
Doubts about the data provided by the Regions
However, the situation in Campania, according to La Repubblica reports, is not clear: in the report of the Ministry of Health and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità it is noted that the data sent by the Region they would be incomplete, or in any case insufficient to establish the correct assignment to a zone.
Furthermore, the report states that “projections of bed needs are not reliable.” The Campania Region, for its part, speaks of a conversion, and not a creation, of beds: from 925 places available in mid-October to 3,160 today. But the situation, according to the ministry, would not be consistent with what was observed in the hospitals now attacked.
The situation in Liguria
Doubts also in Liguria, where the Genoa prosecutor tries to clarify. But about the validity of the data, Toti responded, as reported by Ansa: “After eight months of constant flow of a gigantic amount of data, grotesque that someone today from Rome, to protect himself from his responsibilities, question this system. Well, any serious and truthful investigation ”.
“The quality of our data – Toti adds – is extremely precise and punctual. We are confident that any additional verification performed with the eye of truth will confirm that our data is impeccable. For months we have used much more resources than those required by ministerial agreements to send a precise and complex screening. “
Brusaferro: “Evaluations are not report cards”
In an interview with La Repubblica, Silvio BrusaferroHowever, the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità wanted to shut down the controversy: “Regional risk assessments are not report cards, but technical tools. There is no politics in our control room ”.
Then, without hiding an iota of optimism, Brusaferro specified: “We hope to see already from next week improvements in the indicators of the epidemic. By respecting the bans, we can reduce the spread of the virus and reopen business activities. “
VIRGILIO NEWS | 08-11-2020 08:19
Photo source: ANSA