These are hectic and important days for high school – DPCM Oct 24, 2020 has mandated integrated digital teaching for at least 75%, high in some regional ordinances up to 100%. The provisions are effective until November 24 at the national level (there may be regional resolutions with 100% DDI for a shorter period of time, but in any case it will be at least 75% until November 24).
The USR Lombardia has published an important note of clarification, which should not be understood as authoritative, but rather as a synthesis of the summary indications that emerged from the service conference with the School Directors of the primary schools and leader of the Lombardy area.
The teachers decide which activities are carried out personally
The Prime Minister’s Decree of October 24, 2020 requires the use of integrated digital learning for at least 75 percent of activities. therefore, a portion of no more than 25 percent of classroom teaching remains
It will be the Academic Board – specifies the USR Lombardia note – technical body by definition, to identify the activities to be carried out in presence for specific classes (planned as an annual fee) and for specific disciplines.
The face-to-face activities to be privileged will undoubtedly be laboratory-type (as is also foreseen by the Lombardy Region Ordinance 624), understanding by laboratory the learning contexts capable of actively involving students in situations of knowledge construction and development of Competences: it will be the task of the respective teacher associations to identify the laboratories that most characterize the institution’s training offer within the 25 percent quota.
The organization of activities in integrated digital teaching
The USR Lombardia note clarifies instead that the organization of activities in integrated digital education requires a organizational determination of the work organized by the director, that, taking into account specific individual situations (such as the proven situation of weakness of the teaching staff), specific infrastructure situations (such as an insufficient network to manage a large number of connections, it being understood that DDI does not exclusively mean synchronous activity), You will be able to organize distance work for teachers who do not participate in face-to-face teaching or who for other reasons cannot work from school.
Therefore, “not going to school” to carry out Integrated Digital Didactics activities must be ordered by the Director based on precise health or infrastructural reasons or, in any case, reasons that hinder the performance of face-to-face work.
Personal ATA
The same considerations – the note specifies – can be considered valid for administrative personnel: since the suspension of educational activities is not foreseen, but the use of other forms of provision of the educational service, the agile work of administrative personnel can be managed by the Director for specific reasons of work organization, based on the Decree of the Minister of Public Administrations of October 19, 2020.
The note from USR Lombardia