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The party of Giuseppe Conte arises from the “betrayal” of Rocco casalino. Carlo Tecce, former journalist of the Daily occurrence happened to L’Espresso, and also confirms it Dagospia which, however, provides a slightly different version. It is the end of August 2019, the yellow-green government is officially dead and there is a debate on how to replace it. At that moment, Casalino came to light with the premier, announcing the existence of an agreement between Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio to give life to an encore with the grillino chief at Palazzo Chigi, instead of the lawyer. And at that moment Conte’s reaction would be unleashed, ready to do anything to stay in power, supported by an army of bureaucrats, soldiers and advisers, the true “nucleus” of his party. Second There is, however, “when Rocco wrote in Conte” Di Maio “he was already dealing in the sunlight with Gypsies. In fact, they were seen in Vincenzo Spadafora“.

Rocco Casalino paid more than Conte: by all figures, a staggering salary

Are alone poisoned meatball, that of Casalino. “Well – concludes Dago – it is from that betrayal by Rocco that Conte begins to doubt Di Maio and, in turn, Di Maio di Conte”. The former competitor of the Older brother thus “he put down the roots of Conte’s current party, opening an irremediable fissure between the prime minister and the chancellor, a fissure that will later also spread between the technicians and the diplomatic corps.” A controversial note: according to Dagospia Tecce, by including the names of those who are part of the “Conte party”, it has been forgotten Marco Travaglio “We listened to the advisers on the appointment of the Bald a president of Eni until Sansa candidate in Liguria). “Could it have been out of respect for your former director?
