The weekly planning or planning of a pedagogical team or team is coordinated, in primary school, by the main teacher, and concerns a single class or, as is convenient and convenient, parallel classes also in response to the multiple evident needs y Numerous requests made by interclass teachers engaged in the pedagogical and didactic comparison on the annual or curricular planning The choice of this form of planning that serves those teachers of the discipline, engaged in several classes of the same interclass, but mostly to The need to give concrete answers to educational and didactic action is even more appropriate and necessary when it comes to distance education.
Educational intention
Programming – writes Eugenia Lodini – is characterized by educational intentionality, contextualization, that is, knowledge of students and their educational situation, and rationalization: it is a complex activity that requires a period of reflection. But is it really so? It is, if the design-programming moment really is going to be classified as an observation to be made at the beginning of the week, in this specific case, and only if the previous week’s plan can be recalibrated (that is the importance of a report absolutely written in place) and possibly modify it during design implementation.
Planning is a duty of the teaching function and it is necessary not only to “give rationality and scientificity to teaching, removing it from chance and improvisation. It is a fundamental moment of teaching (therefore the weekly or fortnightly frequency) that is used mainly by the teacher and that must be based on some basic principles.
The teacher does the planning starting from the real class and not the imaginary one. Each class is different, each class has different educational needs, each teacher has personal interests that change over time.
Designing means starting from the skills to be achieved, taking into account the characteristics of the class as well as the ministerial indications. Let’s finish with the usual ritual phrase “let’s lose weight, let’s lose weight”. Planning is the axis of didactic action, you have to do it, study it, be attentive, cure, update.
Law 148/1990, in its article 9, establishes that “the teaching schedule of primary school teachers consists of twenty-four hours a week of didactic activity, of which twenty-two teaching hours and two hours dedicated to didactic planning to be implemented in meetings collegiate professors of each module, at times that do not coincide with the school timetable “.
The CCNL of the 2006-2009 school also intervenes in service hours. Article 28, paragraph 5, of the National Collective Labor Agreement in the school sector, for the 2006-2009 triennium, specifies that 25 hours per week are foreseen for kindergarten teachers, 22 hours for primary school plus two hours of programming , 18 hours in lower and upper secondary education, spread over no less than five days a week.
The importance of didactic programming in schools at all levels and its mandatory nature was introduced into our system in 1977 with Law no. 517.
Legislative Decree April 16, 1994, n. 297
The Legislative Decree of April 16, 1994, n. 297 which contains the “Consolidated text of the legislative provisions on education, in article 128 called“ Planning and didactic organization ”, establishes the characteristics of the programming and its schedule. Specifically, it states that:
- The planning of teaching activities, in order to safeguard the freedom of teaching, is the responsibility of the teachers who teach it based on the educational program approved by the teaching staff in compliance with article 7.
- The planning of the didactic activity is proposed:
- the pursuit of the objectives established by the current programs, providing an educational organization adapted to the real capacities and learning needs of the students;
- verification and evaluation of results;
- the unity of teaching;
- Respect for an adequate distribution of time to dedicate to teaching the different disciplines of the curriculum, in relation to the aims and objectives set by the programs ”.
Operational meetings
For collegiate work, a combination of weekly / biweekly meetings of 2 or 4 hours (in the second case) can be used. This applies to both elementary and secondary schools. The connection on the platform is still recommended.
Weekly / biweekly planning has a triple function:
- Formulate a coherent work proposal (by criteria, approaches, methods, tools, etc.), organic (including all disciplines), sustainable (in terms of commitment by students and families), oriented to the transversal objectives of the curriculum ( although necessarily remodeled in the knowledge and skills specific to the disciplines)
- guide and facilitate the organization of students’ work
- verbalize; In the planning report, reference should be made to the indications contained in the activity notice board.
What to indicate in the weekly or fortnightly planning
The weekly and / or biweekly work plan / planning must indicate:
- subjects or subjects by discipline / microcapacity (for competence planning);
- the “texts” for the study if different from the textbook (attached text files, attached audio or video files, links to online text or multimedia resources, etc.);
- working materials (textbooks, attached text files, links to online text or multimedia resources, etc.).
- Deliveries (indications and advice for the work to be done, review of the work by self-correction or return to the teacher and relative deadlines, absolutely avoid them in a short time).
In both primary and secondary school, the work schedule can be determined by the assignment of specific deadlines by the teachers of the various disciplines: it is the individual class / interclass councils that, based on methodological guidelines, choose the most suitable form of job scanning.
- Methodology and technological tools.
- Checks and evaluations (only if they are different from those planned at the beginning of the school year)
Support teachers
The school pays special attention to support teachers. It is the responsibility of the teachers to send the students with disabilities, for whose inclusion activities they are assigned to the classes, a weekly work plan in accordance with the one prepared by the teachers in order and rejected based on the Individualized Education Plan.
They must also maintain regular and daily contact with the corresponding student and their family.
BES students and the modulation of the didactic proposal
To students with special educational needs (or their parents), each teacher sends (via electronic record) a modulation of the didactic proposal, in accordance with the dispensational and compensatory measures provided in the Personalized Didactic Plans. To create a series of data, capable of representing a benchmark for the final assessment, teachers must record the results in a calculation file: – of weekly corrections, returned to students – of interviews (including individual ones) , regularly scheduled in a small group, to allow students to present or discuss specific topics and have direct feedback on their own learning process. Each methodological direction will adapt the indications to its specific principles.
The report’s proposal
The report we propose responds to operational, organizational and evaluation needs. Some of the structured cages do not need to be completed weekly. There are areas that we suggest filling in with any obvious variations from the verifiable. It would be desirable for the principal to be in charge of directing all teachers to the same executive format of verbalization.