WEEKEND, Saturday and Sunday a MAD CYCLONE will bring DISCOMPIGLIA. Here are the REGIONS most affected by RAIN »ILMETEO.it


Weather: WEEKEND, Saturday and Sunday an ANGRY CYCLONE will bring DISCUSSION. Here are the REGIONS most affected by RAIN

Weekend with a crazy cycloneWeekend with a crazy cycloneUnder the negative influence of a real crazy cyclone, in the course of the now imminent Weekend Italy will be destroyed by the umpteenth phase of bad weather with strong rains, storms me temporary.
Let’s see what awaits us in the front weather Between Saturday 26 me Sunday 27, trying to understand in detail what they will be the areas most affected by rain.

Let’s say right away that the initial will probably be the negative phase a troubled of the Weekend. Despite this, we certainly do not expect Saturday stable and sunny everywhere: already in the morning, in fact, the cold air that will sweep our country everywhere will cause even Nevada down to low altitudes for the period in the border alpine reliefs. Some counter storm may affect the extreme northeast, particularly the Friuli Venezia Giulia. Major spells will be registered in the rest of the northern regions, especially in the Po Valley despite a Cold weather And more windy.
The same script in some parts of the Center where a nice cold weather will wrap the Tuscany, northern Market, Umbria and much of the Lazio, except for a few annoyances in most areas Oriental.
In the remaining areas of the Center we will have more clouds with some light rain in the afternoon as in Sardinia.
But it will be the South suffer more the vagaries of time, especially the Tyrrhenian side. Showers me temporary, alternating with temporary clearings, in fact it will affect the whole day Campania, the Calabria Tirrenica, to the north of Sicily. At night, light rains are also expected in the north of Apulia and in the Basilicata.

Pay attention back to strong winds that will blow wildly at times, especially on the Tyrrhenian side, where they will be storm tides in the most exposed sectors.

So we come to Sunday When a new strong disturbance, linked to a minimum of low pressure, will slide very quickly towards the regions centersouthern also affecting in part some sectors of the Northeast. Rains, temporary and local storms will follow each other with high frequency, particularly in Sardinia, Lazio, Marche, Abruzzo and all the Campania with very abundant rains also in the cities of Rome me Naples. Heavy rains can create discomfort due to flood and character problems hydrogeological. A bad weather phase will also affect Romagna and the easternmost part of the Friuli Venezia Giulia.
On the other hand, the climate in the northwest is calmer and, to lower, in the Ionian zone.
Finally, it should be noted a climate decidedly cold still windy especially in areas reached by bad weather, with possible splashes of Name on the highest peaks ofNorth-central Apennines.
