Weather Warning for Bad Weather in Tuscany August 29-30, 2020


Worsening weather in Tuscany. Orange code for storms and hydrogeological risk from 6:00 p.m. today, Saturday, August 29, until 1:00 p.m., tomorrow, Sunday, August 30 in the northwest of the region. Yellow code over the rest of Tuscany. The Region’s unified operations room issued them after the transit disturbance.

Today, Saturday, scattered rainfall is expected in the northwest, also with a downpour or storm. The precipitations will be more probable and frequent in the province of Massa-Carrara, in the Apuane and in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines and will be more generalized from the afternoon-evening. Tomorrow, Sunday, the disturbance will travel throughout the region with storms, even of strong intensity, associated with abundant rains, gusts of wind and hail.
Strong Scirocco wind for today Saturday, in particular along the coast and in the Apennine mountain ranges, in the Archipelago and in the mountainous areas of the center-south. Tomorrow Sunday, strong Libeccio wind on the central coast and on the ridges.

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