WEATHER. Last hours in the company of the ANTI-CYCLONE. As of Thursday, RAIN and TEMPORALS return even strong in part of Italy. This is where «3B Meteo


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Italy weather Thursday
Italy weather Thursday

THURSDAY. Much of central and southern Europe remains under the protection of a vast anticyclone that favors mainly stable climate and summer climate, as is also happening in Italy. However, in the vicinity of the Balearic Islands, a low pressure circulation is still active, which has been marking time since the beginning of the week, but which will begin to leave towards the east in the next 24 hours. also directed to Italy. The associated front will determine a certain deterioration of the weather since Thursday, With rains and storms that will also intensify in Sardinia and more attenuated phenomena that will also reach the Northwest and the Alps, more stable conditions will remain in the rest of Italy, under the protection of the anticyclone. Here are the details:

WEATHER ITALY WEDNESDAY. The influence of the saccatura in the Balearics will continue to be limited in Italy and the day in our regions will be largely stable and sunny. The most advanced part of the front in action in the western Mediterranean will only determine some scattered and irregular cloud layers over Sardinia and the northwest with isolated rains in the afternoon over the western Alps and the inland areas of Sardinia. Temperatures in slight increase in the north and still pleasant climate with maximums that do not exceed 32 ° C in the south.

TIME ITALY THURSDAY. From the Balearic Islands, the front associated with the Depression gains ground towards Italy the weather will get worse in Sardinia, where rains and thunderstorms will intensify that locally can become even strongespecially starting in the afternoon on the western side and inland areas. In the rest of Italy we expect a increased instability in the Alps in general and locally in the northern Apennines, with some showers especially during the day and some forays in the afternoon to the Piedmont plain. Clouds will increase in the rest of the north and in the mid-high Tyrrhenian regions, but they will be medium-high and stratified clouds that will not produce phenomena. Beautiful elsewhere, especially in the lower Adriatic. Stable temperatures.

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