Between Christmas and San Esteban the meteorological conditions will deteriorate significantly with the arrival of rain, snow, cold and wind.
After a stable and smooth start to the week, for Christmas the current meteorological evolution seems to confirm the arrival of a net impairment accompanied by very cold air, wind and new rains and snow.

Weather trend for Christmas Eve
Let’s look at the evolution of the time of the Christmas season: the evolution that we will describe naturally still has gods margins of uncertainty, normal for a forecast of 4-6 days. Therefore, we invite you to follow the next updates.
The Good night It will be quite sunny in the regions of the middle and lower Adriatic, in the Ionian, in the south of Calabria, on the islands and, from noon, in the northwest. In other places, however, the sky will be more cloudy with light rain possible in Liguria di Levante, northern Tuscany and Friuli. Some occasional rains can also affect eastern Lombardy, Veneto and the inland areas of the Tyrrhenian regions. In the border Alps, some snowflakes will fall back above 1400-1600 meters.
The climate will remain temperate, with minimum temperatures increasing in cloudy areas and maximum temperatures slightly decreasing in the northernmost alpine sectors. Winds of Libeccio rising in the Center-South and in all seas, even strong in particular on the Ligurian coast.
Between Christmas and San Esteban, there is a sharp change in weather conditions.
For him Christmas day The arrival to the Mediterranean and Italy of a cold front with an influx of arctic air would be confirmed drop temperatures significantly and even suddenly starting from the northern regions, with decreases of the order of 5-10 degrees. The north winds that will carry this cold air will also blow strong and with storm gusts locally also accentuating the sensation of cold and thus putting an end to the current “autumn” sweetness.
Christmas Day can be sunny in the northwest, more cloudy but still dry in the Triveneto, with a few snowflakes in the north of South Tyrol. Yet during the day scattered rain, should gradually involve Emilia Romagna, the Center, the Tyrrhenian regions and the Islands. Also locally intense phenomena in the middle Adriatic, with gradual decrease in the snow limit in the north-central Apennines, at night also in mountainous altitudes in the Center.

In the day of Saint Stephen abundant sparkling spells in the north, but with an icy start to the day after lows well below zero. Bright spells should progressively prevail in the Central Tyrrhenian regions as well. Instead, clouds and rainfall should insist in the southern regions and, until the afternoon, also in those of the Middle Adriatic. There will also be some inverse phenomena. Snow in the Apennines up to 400-500 meters in the Abruzzese and Molisano sector. It will be another windy day in Liguria, the upper Adriatic and throughout the South-Central.
Sunday December 27 the disturbance will recede, with the last possible isolated rain in Apulia and Lower Tyrrhenian. Behind him, the upgrade should only be temporary., waiting for a new disturbance, early in the week, with characteristics still very smoky. More details in the next updates.