Weather, 2021 starts with bad weather and snow


Weather conditions are destined to get worse in the first days of 2021: bad weather returns with rain and even low snow in the Northwest.

2021 will start with bad weather in many areas of Italy. A new disturbance will hit the country on New Year’s Eve and then progressively spread south. It will cause showers and thunderstorms but also Nevada at very low altitudes in the north, to the northwestern plains.

Weather, first days of 2021 with bad weather

The December 11 disturbance will persist into the first weekend of the new year. Saturday january 2 there will be a risk of precipitation in the north, the Tyrrhenian regions and in the extreme south (especially in the Ionian sectors). They will activate South winds in the Center-South while the cold air, still present in the Northwest, will favor Nevada at low altitudes in Piedmont and Lombardy that will gradually turn to rain as the hours go by. Sunday January 3 the disturbance will still be present but in the attenuation phase with rain between the central-eastern Alps and the high plain. Some (not generalized) rainfall can also affect the regions on the Tyrrhenian side and the main islands.

We will then experience a phase of variable time without the presence of a high pressure area. The start of the week will continue to be at risk rain scattered and intermittent. Temperature declining the first days of the week with fluctuating values ​​but close enough to the seasonal averages.
