“Wearing a mask reduces the chance of contracting the virus 23 times”


Covid, the study:

«Use a mask reduces the size of particle clouds by COVID-19 up to 23 times». Holds it A study by Indian researchers: Scientists have calculated how cough clouds evolve as they expand and to what extent the various forms of coverage they can control its spread. The team found that a surgical mask reduced the volume of the cloud seven times compared to not having it, while an N95 respirator reduced the volume even 23 times.

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«We have discovered that anything that diminishes the distance traveled cloud should greatly reduce the radius in which the droplets disperse when coughing»said the author and engineer of the Indian Institute of Technology magazine Rajneesh Bhardwaj. This, he added, in turn considerably reduces «the chances of infection». According to the team, therefore, the use of masks is essential, but also the use of tissues and coughing in the elbow.

Previous studies have generally focused on the properties of the air (and cough drops) near the mouth, considering factors such as cloud volume, temperature, drop distribution and humidity. In their research, however, Professor Bhardwaj and fellow engineer Amit Agrawal set out to determine how these properties change as the cough cloud travels. Using an analysis based on the so-called jet theory, the duo discovered that the first 5-8 seconds after a cough is vital suspend the infectious droplets in the air and therefore in the possibility of spreading the virus to other people. After this point, they explained, the cloud tends to disperse.

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In addition to the significant reduction in the volume of the ejected cloud caused by the use of masks, the researchers also found – surprisingly – that the cough with which a person without a mask does not affect the volume of the cloud. «Coughing harder produces droplets that travel faster and rise into the air.». The full results of the study were published in the journal. Fluid physics.

Reduced load 1000 times

The use of masks and spacers. reduces the viral load of SarsCov2 thousand times. This is demonstrated by a study by the IRCCS Hospital Sacro Cuore Don Calabria de Negrar (Vr) published in Clinical Microbiology and Infection and carried out on some 400 cases of COVID-19 analyzed between March and May 2020. It was shown that as exposure to contagion, the viral load of patients who came to the emergency room has been gradually reduced to a thousand times less than in March; In parallel, the severity of the disease also decreased.

Last updated: 13:45

