
According to UNIC, it is necessary to continue with dad even beyond January 7, otherwise there is a risk of a third wave of covid infections.
Reopen schools on January 7th It could be dangerous and fuel a third wave of contagion gives Covidien. theUnsic, the national union of entrepreneurs and farmers, which has also launched a petition in this regard.
“Considered the significant contribution of schools in the presence of the total number of infections (data from the Ministry of Education with Wired processing, Higher Institute of Health, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Unsic file, etc.), considering that the school is important in presence but in ordinary and not extraordinary periods like the one we are experiencing ( with more than 60,000 deaths from Covid), Continuation of distance education is requested after January 7 in high school to prevent a third wave of infections that would be more harmful than the previous ones, especially due to the concomitance with seasonal influences and with the suffering of the health team and personnelRead the text of the petition.
In fact, the union believes that “some sacrifice is needed to preserve the lives of thousands of people. Any ideological justification or attempt to call the school – and what revolves around it – of the spread of infections to keep secondary schools open in the presence (the only ones where children can drive themselves at home) are arguments that do not hold and they are from the unconscious to support them regarding the possibility of saving even a single human existence“.
“The way – continues the UNIC – It must be to ensure students a training similar in quantity and quality to that of recent years through the best possible organization of Dad, guaranteeing everyone the right to learning through the provision of computer support (especially in the South) and strengthening nets and materials and foreseeing, for example, the recovery in the presence, even partially, of the periods in Papá in June or, exceptionally, in the first days of July (the players were able to finish the soccer championship in August and the students Can’t they stay a few more weeks at school?) “.