“We will never use it” – Libero Quotidiano


Paola Taverna, Vice President of the Senate, grillina de primera hora, has clear ideas after the parliamentary vote on Me: “Today the 5 star movement achieved a great goal. For us, the battle against the bailout fund is an important battle: the ESM is an outdated tool that we will never use. But with the resolution, we have put on paper for the first time the need to suspend the stability pact. And the P.S he had to come after us. “He also talks about those in the unapproved Movement who chose to vote in favor.” I believe that a group deserves respect for the decisions it makes by majority vote. I wish we were compact and united. Expelled? It is not my job to decide, the political leader will act in full compliance with the rules.

Unacceptable censorship.  Here's another grill: La Taverna con Morra, Rai is to blame

However, the cinquestelle voted for a reform that they did not want: “There is our vision ofEurope. Suspending the stability pact will ensure that no one needs more access to the MES, it means killing that mechanism. “La Taverna also mentions the government and its stability:” We made a choice of responsibility by giving life to this government. It was never a I love marriage. But in the face of the country’s difficulties, we have a duty to overcome tensions. We need to set goals and carry them out. Stop talking to us. 200 billion are arriving which are a lifeline for the country. I would like to make an invitation to be aware of what citizens expect from politics. Then a string of no from the senator: “I don’t trust Renzi and we will not make a government with Go Italy. I believe that what we have done so far is the best we can do for the country ”. His personal ambitions: 5-star leadership? “I’m still thinking about it: I want to be sure that I can help the Movement.” in the interview with Republic, a call to By Battista: “I hope that Alessandro re-enters the path that the Movement is taking. It is a resource and I hope that he will run for the secretariat.”
