“We were in school like toy soldiers”: an hour of Civic Education with Luciano Corradini



It was easy for the Roman high school students who listened to him from a distance, on December 14, during a lectio magistralis on the Constitution, to understand who Luciano Corradini is. A river full of eloquence, dispenser of very successful metaphors about the meaning of democracy, about whose director she has innervated with personal memories – from family members to those of the many students she had in her many years of teaching career – an ambitious speech about the relationship between school. and the Constitution, highlighting the backbone of civil coexistence in the axis disciples-teachers and in the gratitude between one and the other.

The school, in short, as the first theater in which “affections and concepts” coexist, in the words of Norberto Bobbio, in which we put ourselves to the test in that pedagogy of listening that we should then be able to transfer from school desks to those of Parliament. , in order to train legislators to understand and make clear that the prestige of the State is based on the auctoritas of laws, whose ultimate goal is to desire (increase) citizen awareness of rights and duties, in a narrow and obedient dialectic between universal principles and contingent needs, to guarantee peace and social cohesion.

The main promoter of Law 92/2019, which, as of this year, obliges the transversal teaching of Civic Education both in the first and in the second cycle of education (“that the new Constitutional Charter finds without delay a suitable place in education of all orders and degrees, in order to make the young generation aware of the moral and social achievements that are now a sacred legacy of the Italian people “was the wish of the young Aldo Moro already in 1947) has described the Constitution no only as a founding law of our legal system, but above all as an environment, an architecture of words, concepts, proposals, values ​​framed in a strong didactic commitment, which is that stressful tool -we could say- that comes to the rescue when this vision together on man and society, as they should be too rigid or utopian.

If ethics is the global perspective that embraces the principles, pedagogy is, therefore, the catalyst that aims to help people to realize themselves precisely through the rules.
In such an ideal horizon, the almost identifying link between school and Constitution is even clearer, as in an Aristotelian relationship of power and act that aims to found society as an “intellectual-moral block” in which culture is finally a well sharable. “Organization, discipline of the interior”, we could say with Antonio Gramsci.
Pushing the similarity even further, the professor emphasized that the same organicity that links the articles of the Constitution can be seen between the disciplines in which school curricula are organized: no one separated from others can guarantee a solid formation for global citizenship and Therefore, Civic Education is only an opportunity to fully explain the strength of that link.

At the urging of a student, the speech finally touched on the delicate concept of popular sovereignty, which for Corradini “needs effective institutions to be fulfilled and which is fully implemented only when one is capable of promoting peace for all” an idea that fully embodies and embodies the brotherhood of revolutionaries of 1789.

To understand, in short, that identity and rights are affirmed accepting that we are not the only ones to do so. Understand, not obey like when “you were in school like toy soldiers,” added the teacher, recalling his first years of schooling during fascism:

“With Mussolini we wanted to win and we lost. With Jesus and the constituent fathers we are not sure of winning, but we have accepted the challenge of freedom, equality and solidarity, on pain of returning to chaos and returning to dictatorship ”.

Finally, the somewhat bitter conscience of not being sure of being able to see “the peaceful and shared realization of a valid Civic Education in all Italian schools. However, it would be enough for me to know that the process will not get bogged down again by misunderstandings, illusions, disappointments, ignorance of what is at stake ”, said our Demosthenes when he said goodbye.

Luciano Corradini (Reggio Emilia, 1935) is emeritus professor of General Pedagogy at the Roma Tre University; for many years he was Vice President of the National Council of Public Education and Undersecretary of the same department. Author of numerous volumes and interventions on Education for Citizenship, a subject on which he is one of the leading experts in Italy, he has concentrated most of his efforts on introducing the study of the Constitution in schools at all levels. But he is, above all, five times great-grandfather, as he always remembers.


