“We try to reopen the schools before Christmas. There is no holiday in the snow “


Conte, Dpcm: «We try to reopen the schools before Christmas.  No holidays in the snow

Giuseppe Conte guest of Lilli gruber a Half past eight its La7 continues to emphasize the hard line of government: “A Christmas we will not repeat Mid-August, there are no holidays in the snow. There is no snow holiday at Christmas, therefore Italy cannot allow it. In 24 hours, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte tries to quench the latest outbreak of the controversy over anti-closureCOVID-19. And the prime minister clearly embraces the hard line. The holiday season will require a Dpcm ad hoc and probably more restrictive measures regarding work periods. “We can not afford Holidays indiscriminate, we cannot repeat Ferragosto », is Conte’s closing.

Covid and Natale, Boccia: «Many Italians will no longer be there. Do not travel like in summer. Ski? For now there are no conditions “

Covid, Gualtieri: “Tax deferral for all companies with losses”

Conte: “We will try to reopen the schools before Christmas”

“We will try to open schools before Christmas, we are working for this,” Prime Minister Conte said at 8.30 on La7.

Stop the holidays

But the line of government it won’t always be that difficult. The trend of contagion seems to be giving good news. “If we continue like this, they won’t be there at the end of the month red zones», Underlines the prime minister. Therefore, a first Dpcm will replace the one that expires on December 3. And it will be a more open Dpcm – in the curfew, for example – without prejudice to the division in colors according to the risk for the Regions.

However, government tensions increase over the end of the snow holidays, with Iv, once again, in the role of “aperturisti”. The head of delegation Pd Dario Franceschini retweet the minister’s “no” Francesco Boccia arrived in the afternoon while the undersecretary Andrea Orlando attacks: «Those who proposed the reopening of the ski slopes knew very well that it was inadmissible. A depressing party game continues to wink at the understandable discomfort of certain categories. This is not federalism, it is irresponsible demagogy ”. “When there are thousands of jobs at stake, to speak of demagoguery is completely unjustified”, is the reply of the Renzians.

Anti-Covid strategy

The prime minister, at half past eight on La7, outlines the government’s anti-Covid strategy. A scheme that, in the vaccination plan, will have its foothold. “There is no orientation to the obligation of the vaccine, but we recommend it”, explains Conte who, at this point, seems to distance himself from the position of the “tougher” wing of the executive. “The vaccine It will be available first for vulnerable and exposed categories. I think it will be from the end of January », adds Conte.

The government’s strategy cannot fail to ignore Recovery Fund. There are two types of problems for Italy: there is a European stagnation, with the double Polish-Hungarian veto; and the national one, with the schedule of the Recovery and Resilience Plan to be respected. “The Council of the EU in mid-December – underlines the prime minister – will be the decisive one” in the European negotiations. the Recovery plan The Italian, however, will be ready by February. “We are a bit late compared to the initial times but there is a weekly dialogue with the European Commission,” explains the prime minister, who relaunches the establishment of ad hoc governance over the plan. “It will be a structure with a managerial profile that will monitor the projects and verify their implementation,” said the Prime Minister, ensuring that the plan “will be shared with the entire country, and we will do so in Parliament.” And the draft of the Recovery Plan, as also confirmed by the owner of the M5S Roberto Gualtieri at night at the hearing in the Chamber, will arrive in the Chamber in the coming weeks. First you have to complete: a Ciae is expected, in this sense, at the end of November.

On the recovery, on the budget gap, on the maneuver, the government is called to an obstacle course in Parliament. With the node of the majority numbers and the unknown of the position of FI. “I must admit that Forza Italia has prepared itself for a constructive and responsible dialogue. And he also explained that he does not want to broaden the government base but to remain in the opposition ”, is the extended hand that Conte offers Silvio Berlusconi again. But, on the deviation, the consensus could be broadened. So much so that even the League, perhaps also to try to get out of a potential impasse, makes a semi-opening: “we are going to vote on the deviation but to reduce taxes on citizens and increase pensions based on inflation,” explains Massimiliano Rosemary. and Alberto Bagnai.

Covid Italia, today’s newsletter, November 23, 2020: 22,930 new cases and 630 deaths. Positive and intensive therapies are currently declining

There are 22,930 new Covid infections in Italy according to the latest bulletin from the Ministry of Health. The dead are 630. 11 months after the start of the emergency, Italy therefore exceeds the threshold of 50 thousand victims for Covid. According to data from the Ministry of Health, the number of deaths has reached 50,453, an increase of 630 compared to yesterday.

Last updated: 22:33

