“We trust you”


Covid Italia, 20 thousand signatures against the government: we trust you

In nine days he almost reached the goal of 20,000 signatures for the petition on change.org ‘Covid 19 – We trust you’. The request for the presidency of the Council of Ministers, which includes Mario Adinolfi, Ferruccio De Bortoli, Guido Gentili, Giovanni Guzzetta, Alberto Mingardi, Giovanni Orsina, Giuseppe Valditara, Marco Taradash, Sofia Ventura among the first signatories, asks the Government to focus on in the pandemic. total transparency, availability of a public database accessible to all, definition of a methodology for managing the third wave, explanations about the covid vaccination plan. “It is not your responsibility alone, it comes from afar … but we have seen what you, not others, have been able to do and above all not to face this tragedy”, reads the petition that also says: “We no longer trust”

“When you explained to us that masks were of little use, when you told us that it was useless to rub asymptomatic people. When you decided, the only one in the world, to keep the schools closed for six months. In anticipation of the press. And we sang from the balconies, and we displayed flags. While the first wave produced more deaths, direct and indirect, in Italy than in other places. We trust ourselves because we recognized the difficulties of an unprecedented and unpredictable situation “, the text begins. and continues:” We began to doubt When we saw that after the first wave, between late spring and summer, you were playing States General, discussing how to buy telephone networks and highways, allocating supplies without control, you occupied the banks on wheels. Then you closed the summer clubs on August 16. We realized I was running after things. The second wave came. It certainly was not difficult to predict. Each of us Yes, everywhere in Italy, it has been beaten or we have direct news of who it has been. Now press releases and official proclamations are less credible. We all know the reality: inefficiency, disorganization, patients rejected by hospitals, lack of information and assistance ”.

“We found that you did not deliver on the promises of the flu vaccine, even for those most at risk; that you had forbidden to perform autopsies on the deceased, against all scientific logic; that intensive care had not been doubled at all as the Prime Minister did. announced on television; that swabs were few and people forced them to queue for hours and individuals, meanwhile, in many regions were forbidden to perform them; that Immuni was useless, also because nobody uploaded the positive data to be reported with the App. That there was often no one to turn to, that toll-free numbers were silent, that family doctors were overwhelmed or absent; that follow-up was abandoned; that Italy acknowledged to the WHO that it had not followed the national pandemic Plan because it is 15 years old. “

“Now – we continue reading – we no longer trust. This time we will not sing from the balconies, nor will we display flags. We have become demanding and suspicious. We will not be distracted by the promises of tax reform, renewal of public administration, digital transformation and dream freedom of the “General States.” The promises of hypothetical soft drinks will not be enough for us while the economy dies. We are not interested in the game of evidence and blame between the State and the Regions, but the time to continue improvising is over. We hope you focus on the pandemic. “

For this we ask: total transparency in all activities, minutes, deeds, committees, working groups, procurement centers and any other body that has operated in the context of the emergency; availability of an open and truly public database, in which anyone can carry out elaborations and evaluations and in which all the information available on the epidemic converges, down to a level of detail that meets the only limit with regard to the privacy of individuals; Tell us how you intend to deal with a possible third wave: how many tests, what tracking, how many places in intensive care, how many respirators, how many Covid and non-Covid places in hospitals, how many hospitalizations available for quarantined people, what home care, including telecare , for those with mild symptoms. “

Finally – the petition concludes – after the tragic flu vaccine farce, we want to know in advance and in detail the “plan” on the anti-covid vaccine. Acquisition, distribution and administration; how to manage logistical and technical difficulties of distribution; the names of the managers, the elections on the priorities in the administration, allowing each citizen to know and control everything in real time ”.

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