
People continue to die from many diseases but, in Italian hospitals, those who are not infected with Covid already feel like Series B patients for months. Since the beginning of the dramatic health emergency, 11 million citizens run the risk of losing their lives due to difficulties in accessing imports. The pandemic has overwhelmed the national health service and today it is the “fragile patients” who are oncohematological and cardiology patients. Pathologies for which now, in terms of mortality, we have gone back twenty years, eliminating, with a stroke of the sponge, the extraordinary advance of decades of research. The experts of the Confederation of Oncologists, Cardiologists and Hematologists (MOUTH) that yesterday, in a heartfelt letter addressed to the president of the Council of Ministers, Giuseppe Conte, and the president of the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces, Stefano Bonaccini, requested an urgent meeting. Not postponed.
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Concrete proposals
«President Conte, see you. We represent 11 million patients with serious illnesses who are at risk of worsening due to Covid. We have concrete proposals to improve the situation ”, wrote Francesco Cognetti, president of FOCE and president of the Together Against Cancer Foundation; Giordano Beretta, president of AIOM (Italian Association of Medical Oncology); Paolo Corradini, president of the SIE (Italian Society of Hematology); Ciro Indolfi, president of the SIC (Italian Society of Cardiology); Fabrizio Pane, former president of SIE and Francesco Romeo – president of the Italian Heart Foundation.
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“We want to propose solutions that cannot wait” – said Francesco Cognetti. “First of all, it is necessary to provide for the complete separation between Covid and Covid-free hospitals. The mixture of Covid patients with others increases the risk of contagion with an increase in mortality from the virus, already very high in our country. The obstruction of hospitals by this mix is to the detriment of non-Covid patients who cannot access treatment services with the necessary urgency and who, therefore, are at risk of death ”. In order to serve everyone, according to the president of FOCE, it is essential that new and substantial funds are received for health care and that doctors and nurses are hired indefinitely and with an emergency procedure.
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Public health, Professor Cognetti recalled, can only recover with the strengthening of local medicine and the strong responsibility of general practitioners. The goal now must be to ease pressure on hospitals, which collapse due to inadequate hospitalizations and rush to the emergency room for illnesses that could be treated at home. Last but certainly not least is the appeal of cardiologists treating 7.5 million people and clamoring for the availability of rapid tests in all hospitals to promptly treat the more than 200,000 heart attacks that each year , get to the emergency room.
Discontinued therapies
In recent months, cancer patients and patients with cardiovascular disease have suffered treatment interruptions or surgical cancellations. Furthermore, about 20% of fragile patients He chose not to go to the centers for fear of contagion. Emergency hospital admissions for heart attacks and strokes have been cut in half, many people have died at home or survived with severe heart or brain damage, because serious cardiovascular events are time dependent.
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And in the future, it could be worse as about 1.5 million tests for the detection and early diagnosis of breast, colorectal and cervical cancers have been lost. For Italian oncologists, hematologists and cardiologists, it seems incredible how these prevention activities, after the 3-month Covid emergency, have not been restarted in most regions. On the other hand, they say, the fragility of the health system in general is evidenced by the very high mortality rate among those infected with Covid-19 compared to other countries. Obviously, there is something to go over. But it is a battle that can be won over time because, as representatives of the FOCE alliance write, “time is short, but we can still act successfully.”
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Teaching is becoming more and more distant. It could end up online, in fact, even for the youngest elementary school children who, leaving aside the rules and colors, will find themselves studying while looking at a screen. A new difficult stage begins for schools, in which families and teachers have to face digital lessons once again.
Last updated: 12:34