
Comrades’ priorities? The first item on the Democratic Party’s program? Soon he said: to make the second party of the Lega. Which, of course, is obvious, taken for granted: you need to govern, at the national or regional level. But it is still curious that “making the League a second game” is a declared goal. And against this “peculiarity”, in social networks, he points a finger Matteo salvini, who writes: “While the League deals with school, taxes and work, these are the great objectives of Zingaretti and the Democratic Party …”, that’s why a face that laughs out loud. At the bottom, a meme with the face of Nicola Zingaretti and a quote from the secretary: “Making the Lega a second party is a goal. It would be one more step in building a political perspective for our country,” says Zinga. Yes, priorities …
