Antonio Masiello via Getty Images
Orange zone of Italy or red zone of Italy. For holidays or for a longer period. The only certainty in the government is that in the face of Christmas a new predicament will be resolved, on how and for how long there are hours of confrontation within the Executive. We need “some adjustments, some additional additional measures,” Giuseppe Conte tried to defuse the controversy. Tomorrow will be a crucial day: a summit between the prime minister and the heads of delegation is likely to be held, preceded by a first round of the table with the Regions, already convened with the vaccination plan on the agenda.
Half the government was impressed by the reopening of a file that was deemed closed. For the first time, the 5 stars are also clearly standing in the way: “We have the orange zones and the red zones, we have the special Christmas measures, this uncertainty in which we leave the country is incredible,” comments a pentastellato member of the government. .
The chaos in government, dealing with a progressive political crisis, is also reflected in Parliament. Senate Democratic Party leader Andrea Marcucci is not giving up in the battle in which about half of the Democratic group leads to allow movements between municipalities on Christmas and New Years days. On Wednesday morning, the classroom will vote on some motions, including his, which provides, regardless of the general regulatory framework, to allow mobility at least among those under ten thousand inhabitants. Currently the text is not signed by the rest of the majority parties, the situation is likely to close, between the uncertainty of the executive and a substantial lack of communication with the parliamentary forces that support it. “The motions are indications, of course, but they are not peremptory, we will see what to do,” they try to undermine the executive’s field of sources.
While the Palazzo Madama is discussing a point that seems to have been overtaken by events, the rigorous wing of the government continues to press for a national red zone at least on holidays, from December 25 to 26, December 31 and 1 and on the days of the Epiphany. A de facto blockade, which provides for the prohibition of leaving the house except for work, necessity and urgency and the blocking of all activities except those considered necessary. “We need focused and surgical interventions”, replies Alfonso Bonafede, head of the 5-star delegation, while Italy lives does not highlight its position of opposition to the already open fronts in which it is fighting (Recovery Fund above all), but asks for a framework regulatory certainly not to confuse citizens.
All eyes were on the meeting of the Scientific Technical Committee. The experts came together, highlighting substantially the same photographed divisions in government. An insider explains that “we are aware of the risk of a third wave, but the data at the moment is not such as to require an intervention, the CTS cannot give political coverage to the government elections, its job is another”. The technicians of the Ministry of Health during a river meeting that has plastically shaped the crack, with the three general directors sitting in that assembly who have not signed the minutes. Because after about six hours in black and white there are no concrete indications, the “red zone” wording that Speranza and her followers like so much does not appear. The CTS limited itself to sharing the concern for a possible new increase in infections and for the too many gatherings that we have news of, however limiting itself to advising “tighten the measures and increase the controls according to the indications contained in the dpcm of December 3 “. modulating them as deemed appropriate. “The reference to the orange and red areas is obvious, but what solution to choose and whether or not to remain within the perimeter of what has already been decided is left to politics.
Giovanni Rezza, general director of Prevention, one of the three who did not sign the report was clear: “Unfortunately we managed to lower the RT but the incidence of new cases is still high, which produces many new cases of infection. The incidence must be significantly reduced, otherwise it is difficult to speak of a complete resumption of all activities ”. School included, so Rezza himself was skeptical about a possible reopening already in the first days of January. Regional Affairs Minister Francesco Boccia, an exponent of the executive’s rigorous side, explained that he is “convinced that Italy will respond by saying first health and life and then business.” “A Manichean approach, the situation cannot be resolved in a simple contrast between the two, it is much more complicated than that”, they reply from Italy alive. The truth is that something will change in the rules so carefully agreed in the government for Christmas. And even before they take effect.