Why do experts in coronavirus For weeks at the beginning of the epidemic, they told Italians that no masks were needed? Simple, explain Pierluigi lopalco, “because the masks weren’t there.” The epidemiologist who became a celebrity during the emergency and has meanwhile won a political seat on the council of Michele Emiliano in the Puglia region, guest of Clean slate, is pressed by Valentina Petrini. “Why did you say they weren’t necessary instead of saying don’t use them because they weren’t there?” “I never said it – answered the professor embarrassed – but the priority was to give the masks to Health workers“.
Beyond the fact that supplies to health workers were the responsibility of State and hospitals, and therefore the purchase “on the free market” of security devices would not have affected the supply in any way, the confusion that reigned among the initiates who should have warned the Italians and who, instead, for some fundamental weeks sent to the slaughterhouse a good part of the country,