We open on Sundays and Mondays. But De Luca says no


Merchants in Rebellion in Naples against the restrictions imposed by Vincenzo De Luca: the president of the Campania region has already announced, in fact, that in Campania, despite the passage to the yellow zone scheduled for tomorrow, the restrictions and anti-contagion rules already imposed will be maintained during the orange zone. A stalemate that, in practice, will extend the orange zone until December 23, and then move with the rest of Italy into the red zone for the Christmas holidays.

After the protests that began in the morning, the restorers asked and obtained to meet with the prefect of Naples Marco Valentini, requesting the reopening of their premises at least on Sundays and Mondays. But after the meeting, De Luca’s no has arrived: therefore, the crash will occur. Restorers on the warpath after today implemented several protests, including the barricade: The first to hit the streets were the restaurants along the Lungomare. from Naples, which have placed plastic barriers to paralyze traffic. Restaurateurs who complain above all that they have prepared for the reopening tomorrow, with the passage to the yellow zone, and that therefore the new closure will force them to throw out the food as well. “Who is going to pay us for this damage,” they thundered, “they took everything from us. We understand the situation, but here we are dying of hunger, along with our families and those of our employees.” Restaurateurs who after a day of protests have found the applause of the citizens, after having gone out without banners or posters but only with sweatshirts and aprons that they use daily for their work.
