
What is the situation at the head of the government crisis? The spectrum of the elections becomes more concrete as the Conte government struggles to find the “person responsible.” On Wednesday, January 27, the chambers will vote on the Justice report of Minister Alfonso Bonafede and if the figures in the Senate remain reliable (156), the risk is that the government will collapse. The ‘Ndrangheta investigation that sees Lorenzo Cesa under investigation has frozen the opening operation towards the UDC centrists: M5S has pulled the brake and continues to even close a hypothesis of settlement with Matteo Renzi.

The live broadcast of the political day
16.09 – Mastella: “My wife perplexed by Bonafede’s relationship.” “My wife is puzzled about Bonafede.” Could you vote no? «I don’t know, but he doesn’t like the idea that (Bonafede, ed.) He did justice, justicialism to the extreme. He does not vote against, but I do not know in favor. Thus Clemente Mastella, mayor of Benevento and guest of ‘Un giorno da pecorà on Radio2, regarding the position of his wife, the Senator of the Mixto, Sandra Lonardo, on the report on justice that the Guardian will report to the Senate on January 27.
15.20 – Bruno Tabacci at Palazzo Chigi sees Di Maio: “We need a new government”. Bruno Tabacci, leader of Democratic center is in the Palazzo Chigi. “There is the possibility of strengthening the majority, but a new government is needed, a small reorganization is not enough. I think Conte is the only point of balance in this legislature. Bruno Tabacci says this as he leaves Palazzo Chigi where – explains the president of Cd – “he met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio”. “To end the crisis, it is necessary to open up to a wider range of forces. Renzi made a disruptive speech in the Senate but I think there are more conciliatory positions in IV. And then there is the FI Liberal Democrats area, “he adds. As a bridge builder of Giuseppe Conte, Tabacci is currently working on the search for leaders to create a centrist parliamentary group that guarantees the survival of the government in the face of a broader political project with the prime minister himself as a reference. The Democratic Center now has 15 members. 20 members are required to formally form a parliamentary group.
13.08 – Senator Leonardo Grimani (IV): «Bonafede? We must evaluate, I hope to agree first ». This is how the senator of Italia Viva responds for Wednesday, January 27, when the vote on the Justice report of Minister Alfonso Bonafede and Italia Viva has already announced its no.
12.40 – Pd of the Senators: no winks to early voting. “We must energetically reiterate even in these difficult hours that the Democratic Party is the party to relaunch the legislature. We are in the midst of a dramatic health and social crisis. Italy needs urgent responses. No direct or indirect nod to early elections, as a weapon In the end, it can be a useful political maneuver and of interest to the country at this time. The Democratic Party raises the reasons for a government that lives up to the answers that Italians and Italians expect, talking to everyone to find the square of a legislative program ”, affirms the senators of the Democratic Party Gianni Pittella, vice-president of the group, Dario Stefano, president of the Commission of European Policies, Tommaso Nannicini and Francesco Verducci, vice-president of the Commission of Culture.
12.30 pm – Martella: we are working on enlargement but we are not afraid of the vote. “We want to work to expand the majority, to give this government a perspective, to face the problems of the Italians. We will see if we are able to do it anyway, we are not afraid of elections. We will be ready ”, says the Undersecretary of the Prime Minister, Andrea Martella, of the Democratic Party, to the television cameras on the outskirts of Montecitorio.
12/27 – Polverini and Lo Monte in the Tabacci group. Representatives Renata Polverini and Carmelo Lo Monte join the Democratic Center-Italians in Europe component led by Bruno Tabacci. The announcement was made in the Chamber by the vice president of the Chamber, Maria Edera Spadoni, president of the assembly. Thus, the component can have 15 members, compared to the 20 necessary to be able to constitute a parliamentary group. In the same session, the adhesion of Giovanni Sanga to the Pd Group was announced, who replaced Maurizio Martina, who resigned due to incompatibility after being appointed deputy director general of FAO. Finally, in yesterday’s session the move of Veronica Giannone from the Noi component with Italy to the Forza Italia Group was announced.
12.01 – M5S: there is no margin to fix with Renzi. «We read statements and interviews from politicians still convinced that there is room to make amends with Renzi. This despite the fact that my statements and ours in the previous days have been very clear about it. That is why I repeat, to avoid misunderstandings: for the Movement there are no margins to repair with Renzi, the door is permanently closed ”, underlines the political leader M5S Vito Crimi. “We will not return to those who until now are not reliable: to those who have been responsible for a crisis at such a dramatic time for the country,” he adds.
11.34 – Tabacci: majority strengthens or unavoidable polls
If the majority does not strengthen the electoral approval it will be inevitable ”. This was stated by Bruno Tabacci for ‘Start’ on Sky Tg24.
11.32 – Lollobrogida (FdI): vote to have a stable majority
«Italy does not need tactical options. After the 2018 elections, looking at this Parliament, we said that there was no possibility of giving a stable majority to the nation and we did not enter the yellow-green government imagining its implosion. We do not support the Giallorossi executive, who had figures higher than those registered at this time. The center-right approached Colle yesterday and constantly asked for the only possible thing: to go to the elections. Not because we want to vote by force but because we think it is an objective necessity, to have a stable majority that solves the nation’s problems. This was stated by the leader of the Italian Brothers group in the Chamber, Francesco Lollobrigida, speaking in Agorà.
11.30 – Let’s change: we are firmly in opposition
“Neither I nor other Cambiamo colleagues intend to support in any way the majority led by Giuseppe Conte.” Thus, in a note, the senator of Cambiamo, Massimo Berutti. «Journalistic reconstructions that say otherwise draw scenes of political fiction. Our ideas to redesign the country from an economic and health point of view are in fact very different from those of this executive and the majority who support him. The case would be different for a public health government that gathers the best energies supported by a great republican front to avoid a period of greater uncertainty and the market turbulence already feared at this time. This option – continues Berutti- would serve to get the country out of the health, economic and political crisis and then go to the vote. Certainly, however, the possibility of Cambiamo’s support for the majority led by Conte does not exist at all.
11.17 – Italia Viva: stalemate, we need a comprehensive political solution
The deputies and senators of Italia Viva observe “with concern the institutional stagnation of these days, the difficult health situation and the dramatic economic data in our country” and “strongly reaffirm the need, already expressed in the parliamentary debate, for a solution policy that has the encouragement of the legislator and offers a vision of Italy for the coming years “. This is what we read in a document IV, which ANSA has seen, which confirms that “they will all move together in a compact and coherent manner in a confrontation without vetoes and prejudices, which will be carried out on the contents in the corresponding offices.” . In the document, approved at the end of the long night assembly of the IV groups and signed by all the deputies and senators, we thank “Teresa Bellanova, Elena Bonetti, Ivan Scalfarotto for the extraordinary demonstration of courage, freedom and equipment” . spirit that they have given and are giving these days fighting for the ideas and ideals not only of Italia Viva ».
Last updated: 16:31