“We must not block hospitals and drive-ins in this rush”


“We may not have to close everything yet. But this depends on us, on how we will observe the anti-Covid measures. But also of another type of behavior: we must not clog hospitals and drive-ins in this rush for hyssop, which is not the promised land. It is the doctor who must request the swab, after having examined the patient. Otherwise we make two mistakes: we jam drive-ins and we don’t do our job well. Francesco Vaia, health director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases ‘Spallanzani’, from the microphones of Adnkronos, calls on citizens to behave responsibly in the face of the growth in the number of infected with Covid-19.

The director of the ‘Spallanzani’ hospital reminds everyone of individual responsibilities

The swab race and the blockage of the drive-in could have some consequences for Vaia for doctors who “risk seeing positive subjects escape who may have been screened too soon.” The director of the hospital ‘Spallanzani’ specified: “The call to individual responsibility, therefore, is for the citizen”, but also for the doctor. At the moment the hospitals are managing a deficit in the territory. We have to work in structural nodes, such as territorial medicine, but I am also thinking about transport ”.

“There is no rush for the tampon if I am not a close positive contact”

Among Vaia’s indications to avoid the hyssop race: “If I am not in close contact with a positive, I should not rush to swab without consulting a doctor, but above all I should not rush to do it the first day,” Vaia explained to Adnkronos Health – If in fact I have not waited at least 4-5 days, the “test” result may be negative, but the patient may be positive later. It is the doctor who should visit the patient at home and then ask for the swab if necessary. Otherwise, you run the risk of making two mistakes: blocking drive-ins and ‘losing’ positive cases ”.

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“It is wrong to demonize young people”

“A society forced to close schools is desperate. We must do everything possible not to close schools – Vaia continued regarding the possible interruption of teaching in the presence – Enough with these medieval closures, it is wrong to demonize young people. We have a bleak future for them, and now we don’t allow them to go to school? A society forced to close schools is desperate ”.
