
“For him League The priorities are the health and work of the Italians, sorry that for the Democratic Party the Ius Soli and the daily insult come first to Salvini… “. Thus, the secretary of the League, Matteo salvini, answers the question of Affaritaliani.it on the daily attacks of the Democratic Party against the League and its leader since Enrico Letta replaced Nicola Zingaretti.

It was the same Letta the other day to criticize Carroccio: “We are not the ones who have to explain the support for Draghi, if perhaps it is the League that has to explain his. The League has changed its position on Europe, with a meeting Come in Salvini and Giorgetti in a bar having a coffee. The Democratic Party argues, even animatedly. Today’s League is a caricature of politics. In another bar in a few months, in front of another cafe, the previous Salvini could also return ”, the accusation of the new secretary of the Democratic Party.

Salvini was still satisfied about the Sostegni decree: “Draghi-Salvini’s shared objective is to put order in the jungle of tax invoices. The agreement is that by April 2021 a review of the general collection system will arrive. With the reduction to zero of tens of millions of tax invoices”, he said in an interview with Corriere della Sera. “There is an agreement at the highest level, the result of entire days of work and phone calls, which aims to restore reasonableness to the huge warehouse in existence. We are talking about 137 million files involving 18 million Italians: one in three. The goal is to delete 90% of these folders. “ In the end, the League obtained the maintenance of the ceiling of 5,000 euros for the cancellation of the folders and the inclusion of the reform of the collection system in the text of the decree.

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