“We entered phase 2, but not all are free”




Conte: we entered phase 2, but not all are free

“We are entering ‘phase two’ of the emergency. This is not by chance, but thanks to the powerful collective effort that we have all made together and that has allowed us to return to infection threshold is acceptable. This new phase has cost us enormous sacrifices and therefore it cannot be understood as a “free whole”“Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte says in an interview with the ‘Press’, recalling that” we must continue to respect the rules on physical space.

“We avoid gestures of neglect or, worse still, a work of collective repression. The virus continues to circulate among us., we are still in the middle of a pandemic“” I am firmly convinced that a system like ours does not need messianic investments at all, nor of men invested with full powers. More simply, it needs people who have an institutional culture and a sense of responsibility, aware of having to act for the common good, not distracted by their “individual” or conditioned by groups or consortia, “Conte added about the accusations made against him. for having crossed the limits of the Constitution. The Prime Minister even said “proud to have respected the balance between constitutional powers“underlining that” transparency, the utmost caution, proportionality and adequacy have always been, from the beginning, the principles that guided us “.

I exclude an asset. Our debt continues to be sustainable, within the framework of very substantial private savings and especially marked resistance from our entire economic system. However, most of the additional debt that we will have to place to face the crisis will be covered by the ECB’s purchasing program. We are working to ensure that the interest payments, net of the portion that the Bank of Italy transfers to us after its purchases, are in line with the current ones. “The Prime Minister also spoke of”solid majority“defining” talk “the rumors that are chasing each other about big deals and Mario Draghi as a possible prime minister.

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