“We did not exchange our yes for a place in the control room of the recovery fund” – Corriere.it


“The 18 senators of Italia Viva wish you a good job and invite you to take Italy on the side of Europeanism, the reform of the ESM is a small step forward, but it goes in the right direction»: These are the words that the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi, addressed to Prime Minister Conte during his speech in Sento in response to the Prime Minister’s communications with a view to the EU Council in Month. “This is a political moment in which Italy has opportunities that it has never had in the past,” Renzi added, alluding to G20 presidency.

According to the leader of Italia Viva, “the reform of the Month goes in the right direction”. But that is not enough. Renzi invokes “parrhesia, saying things to the face because it is necessary”, and says: “I two hundred billion is an achievement but also a great responsibility: We will not change our yes to the governance proposal for a folding seat. We are not asking that one of us be in the control room. On July 22, we ask one thing: in front of the 200,000 million that must be spent, either the parliament has a real debate, or we lose the dignity of the institutions ”. According to the leader of Itali Viva “A government cannot be replaced by a working group”: “Where are the mayors, where are the unions, where are the trade associations?” He asks. And he relaunches: “It is not good that a 128-page bill arrives at night at two in the morning, which must become an amendment to the budget law without being discussed by Parliament.” It is not just about “method”, but also about “merit”. “I in the government put 7 billion in health and there was talk of cuts, for me they need double, triple. I say a figure: 36, those of Month… », says the leader of Italia Viva, applauded, at the end of his speech, also by the League seats.

The majority resolution approving Prime Minister Conte’s statements with a view to the EU Council on the MES has received approval Camera 314 yes, against 239 no and 9 abstentions. Divide the 5 stars: 13 voted no, while 8 left the Chamber. In FI also, the vote in 16. One of the delicate points refers to the working group that Conte would like to create for the management of the Recovery Plan. Italia Viva continues to reiterate the no: for days it has been showing intolerance towards the executive and, according to some rumors, it would be willing to overthrow the government.

December 9, 2020 (change December 9, 2020 | 20:06)

