Faced with the difficulties and problems caused by Covid 19, Luigi Di Maio dusts off an old workhorse of the M5S. Luigi Di Maio. “If we ask citizens to make sacrifices, then we must also be ready to make them.” The chancellor explains it in a message on his Facebook profile. “Politics in such a situation, facing an unprecedented global crisis with 42 million cases in the world since the beginning of the pandemic, must give Clear signal to the population to reestablish a channel of trust with citizens.. We resumed the discussion that began in March, when the pandemic broke out: we cut the salaries of parliamentarians and they eliminate any type of political privilege ”.
“The salary of parliamentarians is too high”
Di Maio compares the salaries of parliamentarians with the difficulties of many Italians and draws only one consequence, regardless of considerations about the role that legislators play: they must be cut. “Although there are people who suffer from the virus, It is unacceptable that politicians continue to earn 15 thousand euros perl month. They are too many. Several foreign countries and many executives of important companies have already done so. Italian politics should do it too, ”adds Di Maio. «For years, as the Five Star Movement, we have been cutting our salaries and I personally gave more than 300 thousand euros. Faced with the virus, compared to more than 21 thousand infections in 24 hours, compared to 37 thousand deaths in Italy since the start of the pandemic, politics must set a good example and make additional resources available to the country. And now we await a quick and concrete signal from all parliamentary forcesi, both by majority and by opposition. The Movement already exists. Others? », Concludes the minister.
Savino (FI): “Restore the salary of ministers”
Of course, the departure of the former political leader of the M5S provoked immediate reactions. Like the deputy of Forza Italia Elvira Savino: “On every occasion, to divert the attention of the public from the evident inability of the Cinquestelle and the left to govern, Minister Di Maio presents the usual propaganda proposal to cut the salaries of parliamentarians. Since they are the Government and the prime minister, with the decree laws and the dpcm, decide everything on your own without taking into account Parliament’s proposals and MPs, if Di Maio really wants to shed a weight from his conscience, then propose the reduction of the salary of the members of the Government, or rather the reduction to zero of the salary, because even a euro would be a wasted euro given the bankruptcy results. ‘ Add fellow senator blue Francesco Giro: «Di Maio stops talking nonsense. The era of parliamentary slogans that opened like a tuna can is over. His Movement has lost millions of votes. If successful, the Minister will do well stop shooting professional slogans of the 5 Star Movement, with the story of the money they would donate, which, as we have seen, is not always true for all his parliamentarians, now that he is in government and the situation is tragic.
October 26, 2020 (change October 26, 2020 | 11:13 am)