“We closed everything for 30-40 days, today a record of 2,280 positives. I don’t want to see trucks with coffins “


Lockdown, De Luca: «We closed everything for 30-40 days, today a record of 2,280 positives.  I don't want to see trucks with coffins

COVID-19 Everything must be closed, in all regions, according to the president of the Campania Region. Vincenzo De Luca asking the government for a emergency shutdown national and specifies that, in any case, “Campania will move in this direction very soon.” “We are going to proceed in the direction of closing everything, because of the data on the infections that we have, the ordinance that comes into force today is not enough. We have to close everything and we have to decide today, not tomorrow. We are one step away from tragedy. The signing of a new ordinance is expected tomorrow or Sunday.

Covid in Veneto, 1,550 infections and another seven deaths. Zaia: “We are in the orange light”

So the Governor of Campania, who lives on Facebook, explains: “I don’t want to see the military trucks with the bodies.” “We still have time, today we have a difficult situation but we are not facing tragedy, but we are one step away from tragedy. In a brutally clear way, I don’t want to be confronted here with military trucks carrying hundreds of coffins of deceased people. ”

“No one guarantees us that this will not happen, if it is not for our responsibility, for the correction of our behavior and also for the decisions we make immediately, otherwise those images that we saw a few months ago are destined to reproduce and enter into our lives, in a dramatic way, ”added De Luca.

Covid, Conte: “Stay focused but avoid a second widespread lockdown”

Covid, De Luca: “Block mobility between regions”

“The current data on contagion – he says – make any kind of partial measure ineffective. It is necessary to close everything, except the categories that produce and move basic necessities (industry, agriculture, construction, agri-food, transport). It is essential to block mobility between regions and between municipalities. Frankly, it’s unclear how effective limited measures may be in this context. In any case, Campania will move in this direction very soon. ‘

Campania has already approved the curfew and as of today there is an ordinance that also blocks circulation between the provinces for those who reside in the region (those who are not residents can change province).

By Luca: “Intensive care clogged soon”

According to the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, the situation of the beds in Campania is “heavy”. “The programming still allows us to hold – he explains – but with these numbers there is no hospital system in the world capable of withstanding the shock wave”. “Today we endure thanks to the sacrifice of thousands of doctors and health personnel, but in a few days we run the risk of jamming the intensive care units,” he added.

Covid Campania, De Luca: “It is stupid to say that schools should be closed at the end”

Speaking of schools, the governor said: “It is stupid, irresponsible to say that schools should be closed in the end. Faced with an increase in infections like the one we have registered among teachers and students, the only answer that reason can give is to prevent the infection from spreading. The priority is not ideologisms but the blocking of contagion. Decisions are not made in the abstract, but in numbers ”, he added.

The governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, questions the data to show how the opening of schools has had a strong impact on the increase in infections. And for this he says: «With these data, schools do not open. Tomorrow it will be decided after an evaluation with the crisis unit. Between before and after the opening of schools, “in the general population the infection tripled, in the range from 0 to 18 the increase was 9 times”. “We went in the range of 0-5 years from 88 positives before September 24 to 402 positives after opening – he explained – in the range between 6 and 10 years before 57 infections, after opening 476 infections, in the range of 11-14 years before 49 infections, after 479 infections In the range of 15-18, 82 infections before opening and after 558 infections What parent worthy of the name would send their children to school with these figures?

Covid, De Luca: “Some laboratories have hidden results”

In his Facebook direct, De Luca revealed that “the intervention of the Nas carabinieri was requested to shed light on some irregularities that would have been committed in some private laboratories.” “Private laboratories are obliged to report positive cases to ASL because they must be quarantined,” he explained, “they have informed us that some laboratories at the request of private citizens have not communicated the result. If there are laboratories that play these games the owners go to jail, this is a guilty epidemic. it’s a crime. “And then,” we have been told that some labs make rapid antigenic swabs that are not reliable, rather than molecular swab, “he added.

“I ask that at the state-regions conference there be a quick and forceful discussion on economic measures to support the categories that will be affected. Let’s avoid wasting time. In his direct-river De Luca he questioned some requests from merchants and businessmen such as immediate Cig and income blocking. “Now the only discussion to do is not whether to close, but how to help the affected categories.”

Covid Campania, De Luca signs the curfew ordinance: stop moving from 23:00 to 5

What other regions are they evaluating

Even the president of the Piedmont he is considering passing the curfew. “After the last order we will evaluate the results. Curfew also in Piedmont? It is a hypothesis, we must analyze the figures together with the mayors and the Ministry of Health and today we will give a definitive assessment. The governor said so Alberto Cirio in the program ‘Un giorno da pecorà on Rai Radio 1.

Last updated: 16:16

