“We are not as unprepared as in March. Specific measures to help bars and restaurants »- Corriere.it


The first Minister, Giuseppe Conte, reports in Senate (Tomorrow morning he will do it in the Hall) on the measures adopted to face the new phase of the Covid emergency and contained in the Dpcm that the premier himself had illustrated on live television on Sunday night (HERE the full text of the decree in Pdf), explaining how the strategy to face the new wave is different and takes into account the need to protect health but also the economy. The head of government recalled that “the enemy is not defeated yet, it circulates among no” (just when he gave his speech, the new bulletin came out that talks more about 15 thousand new infections me 127 dead in the last 24 hours) and reiterated the need to limiting travel, private parties, and unnecessary outings and announced that with the next budget law they will be activated ‘Specific support measures’ for bars and restaurants that, with the restrictions introduced by the Dpcm and the even stricter ones introduced by some Regions, it will inevitably be one of the categories most affected by emergency measures.

“We are no longer unprepared”

Conte, as he had already done on Sunday, insisted that we are no longer in the first phase of the emergency, when the country was unprepared and without adequate availability of protection systems, from masks to gowns and tools. diagnosis. «Today Italy produces 20 million masks a day – said the head of government – and soon we will 30 million. Perhaps we are the only country in the world that distributes a free surgical mask to all students every day. We also distribute every day 7 million from surgical masks to hospitals, nursing homes and police forces ”. Conte himself performed his surgery with a surgical mask. The decisions made, he pointed out, “allow us avoid widespread closures and it spread throughout the national territory, the arrest of economic activity, the closure of schools and public offices.

“A painful operation”

The prime minister stressed that he was aware of the sacrifices that citizens are being asked to do, “once again we are forced to make a operation suffered“..” The principles that move the government today – he added – are always the same, those that have allowed us to overcome the situation of the past: maximum precaution, adequacy and proportionality “.

“That the school is in presence”

He then reiterated the need to maintain school in attendance, because “we cannot afford any more commitments from this fundamental axis and sustenance of the country” and explained that the perplexities of the mayors about the disposition of the Dpcm that assigns to the municipalities the right to impose restrictions in parts of the city were answered with a directive from the Ministry of the Interior that provides the police forces to ensure compliance with the limitations.

“There will be no new taxes”

“There is no tax increase”Conte assured, recalling that with a decree law a greater extension of the sending of tax invoices and the term within which the payment in installments is due. On the economic front, he later highlighted, the signs are more comforting than expected: “Our economy is showing high resilience,” he affirmed, “as evidenced by both the more contained fall in GDP in the second quarter, and the economic indicators for the third quarter. quarter that look decidedly positive ”.

October 21, 2020 (change October 21, 2020 | 17:58)

