we are moving towards the closure of Regions and local blockades. New Dpcm expected for Monday, November 2


Local closures, inter-region travel ban, store closures and restrictions. These are the hypothesis that he government would be evaluating in these hours, more than one long summit at Palazzo Chigi between President Giuseppe Conte and the majority heads of delegation. The president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità was also present Silvio Brusaferro, the president of the Superior Council of Health Franco Locatelli, the coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee Agostino Miozzo and the commissioner Domenico Arcuri.

According to what emerged, the new DPCM would be scheduled for Monday, November 2 and, seen the dizzying increase Gods almost gives Coronavirus of the last days, at the executive table there would be a greater tightening of containment measures, after those adopted on October 25. The objective is to avoid a national blockade.

Coronavirus: new Dpcm expected for Monday, November 2

In detail, the government I would be examining several hypothesis, including the prohibition of movement between regions (except for reasons of work, health or necessity) and establishment of “red zones” for the areas of greatest risk. In addition, you are considering the modification of the schedules of some activities, with greater limitations and closures. One hypothesis is that they come closed shopping centers.

No news on him schools of knots, subject that still remains highly debated among the majority exponents.

The meeting between first story I ministers Francesco Boccia me Roberto Speranza ei governors of the Regions.
