We are in the scenario of type 3. Rise of infections and uncontrolled monitoring, what is behind the words of Conte – Il Tempo?


Rome, first day of mandatory mask (Photo F. Benvenuti - IL TEMPO)

Currently, according to the CTS study in Italy, “we have a type 3 scenario. The study considers the possibility of interrupting some particularly risky activities, even for hours, the possibility of staggered lessons for school, increased smart work to decongest transport. The government complied with these measures by adopting the Dpcm. ” Thus, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, in the Chamber of the Chamber during Question Time. And the “type 3 scenario was followed by the government, but once the Dpcm was drafted on Saturday afternoon, a draft was sent to the Scientific Technical Committee, requesting the opinion of the experts on the merits of the measures.” making some remarks that the government has substantially accepted, ”said the prime minister in the House.

But what is scenario 3? It is defined by the Higher Institute of Health and is carried out with “regional values ​​of Rt mainly and significantly between Rt = 1.25 and Rt = 1.5 (that is, with estimates of the 95% confidence interval of Rt between 1,25 and 1,5), and in which it is possible to limit only modestly the transmission potential of SARS-COV-2 with ordinary and extraordinary containment / mitigation measures “, writes the Messenger Service quoted in the ISS dossier: “An epidemic with these characteristics of transmissibility must be characterized by a faster increase in the incidence of cases than in scenario 2 (which is identified by RT between 1 and 1.25), lack of capacity To follow up the transmission chains and the initial signs of overload of healthcare services after the increase in cases of high clinical severity (with an increase in hospital bed occupancy rates – critical and non-critical area) attributable to a risk level: high or very high depending on the monitoring system detected in accordance with the Ministerial Decree of Health of April 30, 2020 “.

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“All the measures implemented respond to the need to keep the contagion curve under control and mitigate the spread of the pandemic. We are fully aware that they are severe measures but we consider them necessary to contain infections, otherwise the epidemiological curve is destined to get out of control completely, “said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte during Question Time in the House, underlining how by protecting public health there is a greater possibility of preserving the economic fabric of the country.” Reduce the chances of contagion. At this moment, it represents the only possibility we have on the one hand to allow the health system to remain stable, and on the other to avoid a generalized blockade that would further damage the country’s economy. In Italy – he explained – Despite the measures adopted, yesterday the spread of the infection reached a maximum peak of 21,994 cases and a progressive worsening of the epidemic has been recorded for 12 weeks. Currently, the rapidly worsening epidemic is nationally compatible with the type 3 scenario. “

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“Once the framework of the new measures contained in the Dpcm had been prepared, the Minister of Health sent the draft to the CTS requesting the opinion of the experts. The same day, after an extensive analysis, the CTS shared the measures making some limited observations that the government has implemented The European panorama regarding the spread of Covid-19 is alarming – he pointed out – many countries have a significant increase in positive cases and in these hours even France and Germany have been forced to announce severe restrictive measures “.
