We are in a stormy sea. Second block? It would be useless “


From October 20 to today, the 120 events of the DigitalMeet program, organized in collaboration or with the collaboration of 95 associations / organizations / institutions, have registered a total of about 55 thousand online contacts.


A success for an edition that, in a few hours, after the restrictive measures of the Dpcm on Sunday, October 18, suddenly changed all the appointments in presence, turning them into online events. But that’s not all: other events are scheduled until October 28. The underlying bottom-up philosophy, which is to bring together the initiatives of the digital communities fund, ensures that the participation of the territory is broad and the calendar is lengthened. “Digital has saved us – says Gianni Potti, founder of DigitalMeet -. We did it because the scientific committee, the staff, the speakers, the ambassadors, the volunteers, everyone, made themselves available in a team spirit and gave their all. We have covered many topics: from health to education, from work to innovation for companies. In a process of digital literacy that has been founded through information and training.

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The eighth edition of DigitalMeet is about to end with an exceptional guest, the virologist Andrea Crisanti: on the morning of Saturday, October 24, interviewed by Paolo Possamai at the event “How digital counteracts Covid. And now how to combat it? ”, The professor spoke about digital and pandemic, also touching on numerous current issues. Crisanti explains: “If at this point I were heading the Scientific Committee, I would probably do three things: I would ask for unconditional access to all Italian mobility data, but also to behavior and population density to understand where the most popular areas are at risk. I would then make a risk map and clearly close off these areas or rely on contrast agents for these areas. This would allow me to buy some time to create an active surveillance system and put the entire information translation system into action. that would allow me, once the cases are dropped, to reestablish everything, a containment of 3-4 weeks, and then give way to active surveillance tools, including Immune, to keep the cases low. “For Crisanti” it does not make sense do strict lockdowns if we can’t find a way to consolidate the results. We can’t afford these ups and downs indefinitely. ”And again, Crisanti spoke of the importance One of the web giants in this phase: «De Luca is thinking of Campania but Lombardy is not better, not even Veneto because it has almost half of Lombardy’s cases but also half of its population. The problem here is also that there is no objective metric that can say that this situation is in danger and this is not, because basically we do not have the information and unfortunately they are stored in the beating hearts of the web giants. “Crisanti also stated that He had given the Government a document at the end of August in which he gave the lines to get out of the crisis that Italy was going through: “They did not listen to me: there is no need for tampons in the carpet, tampons are needed to cover the positives and stop the chain of infections. So they need more of them, potentially they were cheap activities. Without knowing how the virus moves, a confinement now only serves to block the situation but then a third, a fourth will be needed, what is needed are information and traces, otherwise we will continue sailing in a stormy sea without ever landing from En Nowhere”.
