A new Council of Ministers will be held tomorrow at 12. There should be only a few expiring regional laws on the agenda. In fact, this should not be the date to launch the decree with the new rules that will take effect from next Monday for Italians dealing with the Covid-19 emergency and the end of the blockade. To dl, as the Prime Minister announced yesterday Giuseppe Conte, which therefore, unlike the usual Dpcm, will have to go through a Council of Ministers and then through Parliament, to the delight of the opposition.
The release of the decree, in all probability, will slide on Saturday, if not Sunday, after a confrontation with the regions, in which the ministers Francesco Boccia and Roberto Speranza will participate. On the other hand, it is not yet certain that the Prime Minister will also participate. “Surely, government sources explain, there will also be a passage on the decree for reopening.”