The representatives of the UN agency highlighted the importance of maintaining face-to-face teaching during their videoconference with the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina
The possible psychological impact of a prolonged school closure raises many concerns within the World Health Organization (WHO), joining those related to possible early school leaving. That is why the representatives of the UN agency highlighted the importance of maintaining face-to-face teaching during their meeting, via videoconference, with the Minister of Education Lucía Azzolina. The latter had asked for a comparison on the measures taken by different countries in the school environment and on the evidence related to both infection at school age and the risks associated with closures. During the meeting, WHO representatives expressed their appreciation for the policies adopted by the Italian government.
Meeting participants
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The meeting was attended, among others, by the regional director for Europe, Hans Kluge, and the deputy director of the WHO Ranieri Guerra, the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Silvio Brusaferro, the coordinator of the Technical Committee – the emergency scientist, Agostino Miozzo, the president of the Italian Society of Pediatrics, Alberto Villani, and the director of Inail, Sergio Iavicoli. “As a minister, I am convinced that we must do everything possible to keep schools open. It is our duty to guarantee a quality education for our pupils and students ”, stressed Minister Azzolina during the meeting. “When the rules are followed, schools are among the safest places for our children,” he added. The “School for the Future” student movement also calls for the reopening of schools, supported by the “School Priority Committee” which asks all students to return to classrooms immediately after the expiration of the last Dpcm.
WHO: “The impact of infections in schools is limited”
Based on the latest available data, the WHO highlighted that the impact of infections in schools is limited, that the transmission of the coronavirus among students occurs mainly outside schools and that, in any case, the probability of contagion it is less in children.